The French Revolution

  • The March on Versailles

    The March on Versailles
    The March included 6,000 women from all over marched from Paris to Versailles. They angrily marched with weapons because they had no bread. When they arrived they attacked guards and demanded the royal family move to Paris. King Louis XVI moved his family to Paris and brought lots of flour for bread along with him. This made the people happy because now they had food and their King was closer to them.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath, along with the creation of the National Assembly, started Phase 1 of the French Revolution. It was an oath between members of the third-estate saying they will ban together until a constitution was made for France. They were tired of being overlooked by the first two estates they took matters into their own hands since they were majority of the population.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille was a huge event in the French Revolution and could also be considered the start of the Revolution. Members of the third- estate stormed the Bastille which is a fortress used as a prison, thousands of people attacked seizing the weapons and killing guards. The military governor had to surrender, this attack was a symbol of power of the people. It showed the Revolution would end up being a long violent fight until the end.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    The Civil Constitution of the Clery was a document that took away powers from the church and put them under government control.The church land was sold and this allowed debts to be paid off. All of the church leaders also had to take an oath to the country and this gave more power to the King and steered people away from Christianized views.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    The Constitution of 1791, was a document created by the National Assembly,which set up a limited monarchy in France. It gave power to the legislative assembly, in order to create more representation in voting for the third-estate. It also split the government into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial branches, this created checks and balances. This system later failed and ended up only lasting a few months.
  • The Uprising of Vendee

    The Uprising of Vendee
    The uprising in Vendee was the counter-revolutionaries revolting against the new government and draft for war. They liked the monarchy and disliked the new republic of the people. Many pro revolutionaries were killed during the war, while conservatives were trying to win back the traditional monarch.
  • King Louis' Execution

    King Louis' Execution
    King Louis XVI's execution was the end of phase one in The French Revolution. King Louis opposed the ideas of the constitution and limiting the monarchy, he wanted absolute power. When pressured by the people to pass their laws he fled the country to join his wife's family in Austria. France declared war on Austria, and arrested Louis for betrayal to his country and people. He was put on trial and found to be guilty, so he was executed. Months later his infamous wife Marie was also executed.
  • The Formation of the Committee of Public Safety

    The Formation of the Committee of Public Safety
    The Committee of Public Safety was a committee formed because the many internal problems they had in France.It was during a time of not only foreign war but also civil war. The goal of the committee was to keep peace so Maximillian Robespierre squashed peasant uprisings. The committee controlled France at the time and was very corrupt in their violent ways.
  • French Constitution of 1793

    The French Constitution of 1793 was the first constitution made by the government after Louis' death and started the second Phase of the Revolution. The National convention made up of all different kinds of people, created a very republic constitution which was very similar to America's law system. Although it was very republic none of the laws ended up becoming implemented.
  • Robespierre's Execution

    Robespierre's Execution
    Robespierre's execution ended Phase two of the Revolution Robespierre headed the Committee of Public Safety, which dealt with the internal struggles of France. Under his rule over 16,000 people were executed by guillotine. The time he ran the Committee was known as the "reign of terror", because the amount of killings. Many people then became frustrated with amount of deaths so they rounded up a lot of Jacobins and Robespierre and executed them.
  • Constitution of 1795

    Constitution of 1795
    The Constitution started a new government and Phase three of the Revolution. It founded the Directory, and it had more conservative ideals than the last constitution.
  • The Directory ends

    The Directory ends
    The Directory was a five person government set up after the fall of the Committee. The Directory had to face many problems with the country like famine, and war. The struggle with power between royalists and radicals also affected the Directory. As time went on the Directory used more military power and became more corrupt so it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte, and later became the consul.
  • Coup D'etat

    Coup D'etat
    The Coup D'etat ended Phase three of the Revolution, and ended the Directory. It made it possible for Napoleon to gain power and take over France, and could be considered an unofficial end to the Revolution.
  • The Continental System

    The Continental System
    The Continental System, was a system set up in order to take control of Britain. Napoleon ordered allies to stop all trade with them, which did not end well. Instead Britain thrived by trading with Latin America and Europe struggled economically.