The French Revolution

  • The French Revolution Begins

    The French Revolution Begins
    The French Revolution began on July 14, 1789 due to people being treated unfairly. They started the revolution as an attempt to stop the unfair behavior.
  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    The National Assembly was on the same day that bread in Paris went up to its highest price ever. These prices made times harder than ever. The bread prices went up due to The Storm of The Bastille Prison.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Period: to

    The Constitutional Monarchy

    Between the years 1789 and 1792 the constitutitonal monarchy took place.
  • King Louis XVI dies

    King Louis XVI dies
    In January of 1973 King Louis XVI died. Demands for long-overdue reforms resulted in the proclamation of the First Republic and the execution of King Louis XVI. He died like many others, beheaded by the guillotine, and sufffered the great pain.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The reign of terror was a point in time that thousands of people died due tothe guillotine. This was around the time of Louis XVI`s death. Over 18,000 people were sent to the guillotine and many more died while in prison, never being formally brought to trial. Marie Antionette, the widow of Louis XVI, was one of the more of the more famous people that were sent to the guillotine during the reign of terror.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Siezes Power

    Napoleon Bonaparte Siezes Power
    The violence of the revolution, attacks by other nations, and bitter factional struggles, made it harder to continue running things successfully. This helped bring the extremists to power, and the bloody Reign of Terror followed. French armies then succeeded in holding off their foreign enemies and one of the generals, Napoleon Bonaparte, seized power in 1799.
  • Bourbon Takes Charge

    Bourbon Takes Charge
    In 1789 the French were under the complete control of Bourbon, Louis XVI. During that year they ran into many problems and got tired of it.
  • The Constitiutional Monarchy

    The Constitiutional Monarchy
    The French people wanted political rights that relected their education and weath. They wantednto show off their knowledge and for it to be reflected by everything they do. Rousseau had writted a social contract in 1769. This book begins with "Man was born free, yet everywhere he goes he is in chains."
  • Past Struggles

    Past Struggles
    Decades before the French Revolution, France was involved with the American Revolution and The Seven Years` War. This made times even harder for France, because they were still struggling from the financial crisis that came because of the previous wars.