
The French Revolution!

  • King Louis 16th gets married

    King Louis 16th gets married
    King Louis was fifteen when he got married to Marie Antoinette. After his father died of lung tuberculosis His mother shortly after died of the same illness. They were only fiteen when they got married and they did not commit to famliy life very quickly. This made people think since they had not had a offspring they did not love eachother or unfertile.
  • Napolean Bonaparte!!!!!!

    Napolean Bonaparte!!!!!!
    Napolean was 52 years old when he died! he was a very great soldier as well as a general! he had went through all the millatary ranks and was rich and semi famous with the country. He was appontied to dictator durning the french revolution. He was goin to take over the world with the rules of the Enlightenment. His downfall was when his tumors erupted and had to have emrgancy surgey. The people left in charge ckoked and lost the battle.
  • King Louis becomes king.

    King Louis becomes king.
    On May 10th 1774 King louis the fifteenth died from lung tuberculosis. King louis the 16th was the next heir to the throne. But before he became king hismother shortly after his father died to the same ilness.
  • The Tennis Court Oath.

    The Tennis Court Oath.
    This was an oath made in the National Assembaly to not stop meeting every day until they created the Decloration Of The Rights Of Man. Now the reason its called the tennis court oath is that they were in Versi but King Louis found out about it and locked the room that they were meeting. So they moved to a near by teenis court.
  • National Assembaly is created!

    National Assembaly is created!
    This was created to get read of the king and limit his powers. The king at this point was King Louis 16th. He had called meeting of all three estates to talk about taxes and when the taxs stayed the same the third estate people moved to a differant room which was called the National Assembaly.
  • Bastille being attaked!

    Bastille being attaked!
    The tower of Bastille was attaked by citizenes wanteing gun powder. The tower was a great athority in france and as well as a prison. The needed gun powder to envade the Kings place. So they could over throw the king and get pass the gaurds.
  • Decloration of the rights of man.

    Decloration of the rights of man.
    The Declaration of the rights of man was written to let everyone have freedoms. There are 17 articals in the declaration.It was approved on August 26,1789 by the Natinal Assembaly. My favorite artical of this declaration is the very first one which is "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good".
  • Royal family trying to escape!!!!!!

    Royal family trying to escape!!!!!!
    The escape of the king and his family on June 20/21,1791 was a good try but well they failed! They were trying to get into Austria where his wifes family lived and they could gian power and take back his kingdom.
  • France going to war with Austria and Prussia!!!!!!!!!

    France going to war with Austria and Prussia!!!!!!!!!
    This war was over the way of the new French goverment after the revolution. Austria did not like the idea of there goverment and now Napolean was trying take over Austria. They did not like this at all!!
  • Histoy of the Gulitine!!!!!!!!!

    Histoy of the Gulitine!!!!!!!!!
    Joseph Ignace Guillotin had created a killing machine that was a main killing method in the French Revolution. this is also known as "The National Razor". This was a method of chopping off the head of an other person. This was what was used to kill not just millions of people it was used kill the king and queen of France durning the revolution!
  • King being killed!!!!!!

    King being killed!!!!!!
    King louis was killed on January 20,1793 by "the National Razor" or called by others the Gulatine. He was killed so that they could over throw the goverment and start fresh with a democracy. This was a new and fresh start to most people.
  • Exicution of Robesperrie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Exicution of Robesperrie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Maximilien Robespierre executed on Jan. 21st 1793 because he He killed everybody that thought differently than him mainly because they still believed in the monarchial system.
    He didn't even have a trial, and was beheaded facing upwards.
  • Reign ofTerror!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reign ofTerror!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The Reign of Terror was a period of time where they would kill anyone who didnt like the new goverment. They could milions of people in just a couple days time!! People were terrified during this time. Now at this time Napolean had became leader during this time. The Riegn of Terror lasted for alittle less then 2 years.
  • Death of Marie Antoinette!!!!!!

    Death of Marie Antoinette!!!!!!
    Marie was sending letters to her family in Austria about what was happening to her. When the officals found out about this she was tried and found gulty of treason! This is when she wrote a letter to her family and told them that she loved them and i will always love them. Then on October 16,1793 she was kiled by the gulitine!
  • The Executive Directory

    The Executive Directory
    The Executive Directory was a group of five Directors that held executive power in France folling the Convention and preceding the Consulate. The period of The Directory was November 2nd 1795 to November 10th 1799. This constitutes the second to last stage of the French Revolution.