The French Revolution

By tdebek
  • Estates-General convenes

    Estates-General convenes
    The Estates-General was a French congress that consisted of three estates and representatives from different parts of France.
  • Third Estate declares itself the National Assembly

    Third Estate declares itself the National Assembly
    The Third Estate made up 96% of the population. They decided to take sovereign powers in taxation and to frame a constitution restricting the powers of the king.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    More than 800 Parisians gathered outside the Bastile (a fortress used as a prision for political and other prisoners) and demanded weapons and gunpowder, After the commander refused to meet the angry crowd's demands, he open fired leading to a a battle that killed many.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen issued

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen issued
    A document issued by the Assembly as a first step twards a constitution. It was partly modeled after the American Declaration of Independence and declared all men to be born free and equal in rights. Also, it stated that they enjoyed the natural rights to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.
  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed
    Louis the XVI was put on trial by the early Republic and accused of treason. The king was convicted and sentenced to death. Louis tried to give a speech, but was drowned out by angry drumroll. Moments later, the people got what they had wanted- the death of a king.
  • Maximilien Robespierre assumes leadership of the Committee of Public Safety

    Maximilien Robespierre assumes leadership of the Committee of Public Safety
    The Convention created the Committee of Public Safety to combat against the threats to France. Maximilien Robespierre was at the head of this committee, and one of the leaders of a period known as the Regin of Terror. During this time, revolutinary courts held quick trials with hasty executions of anyone suspected of betraying the new regime.
  • Robespierre is guillotined

    Robespierre is guillotined
    Within a year of Robspierre orchestrating the Regin of Terror, the period of bloodshed eventually consumed its own. Fearing he had too much power and was too full of himself, Robspierre was arrested and the next day, executed. After Robspierre's and other radicals were executed, the pace at which the blade fell decreased.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power

    Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power
    Napoleon Bonaparte became a successful army general and then developed into a political leader. He helped abolish the weak Directory and establish a three-man governing board known as the Consluate. Another constitution was attempted to be drawn, but Napoleon took the title of First Consul, and soon named himself consul for life. He then eventually gained enough power to get the title of Emperor of France. The French heavily supported him, making his rise to power even easier.
  • Napoleon is defeated by the British at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated by the British at the Battle of Waterloo
    The opposing armies (the British and Prussian) met near the town of Waterloo in Belgium, and after a bloody day-long battle, the French were defeated. Napolean was forced to again abdicate and go into exile.