
The French Revolution

By AR145
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Third-Estate or lower class of the French people, were locked out of there usual meeting spot in Versailles when they decided to move to a near by tennis court. This is where they took an oath to only seperate once a written constitution was established in France.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Many people in France didn't approve of the newly elected parliment selected by the king. So on this day a group of salesmen and craftsmen got together and invaded the invalides and retreived somewhere over 28,000 rifles. As they looked and looked no powder was to be found, but Bastille the prison, sure had plenty. And the people knew this bulding was a symbol of the king's power so they ran in and began to revolt. The guards hoped to buy time by talking to some of the leaders but it was no use.
  • October Days/Women's March to Versailles

    October Days/Women's March to Versailles
    7,000 women are marching from Paris to Versailles, in the rain, with pitchforks, pikes and muskets chanting bread as they marched toward the castle. The people of France aren't to happy with their king for they are starving and he is eating like a royal snob. The intent of the whole march is to kill one person, the "queen",
  • Flight to Varennes

    Flight to Varennes
    The king has decided to sign the constitution, but could not accept the reforms. He decided the constitution was the last straw, and decides the leave the country. He escapes incognito with his son and is found at the border of Varennes, this shows his assembly can't trust him. Upon his return he remarks there is no longer a king in France.
  • Champ de Mars Massacres

    Champ de Mars Massacres
    A Parisian Crowd clashed with the city's National Guard. In this massacre about 50 lives were lost. The Parisian crowd was at first in Champ de Mars to sign a petition against the king, but they were halted when the National Guard was ordered to fire.
  • Storming of the Tuileries

    Storming of the Tuileries
    At around 10:00am a crowd of about 30,000 citizens stormed Tuileries to capture the king. The king fled and left the Swiss guard with no orders, so the Swiss tried to push back the crowd by firing a few rounds. They soon found this wasn't helping and chose to surrender. The mob killed anybody associated with the king, they only left 300 of the 900 Swiss guards.
  • The formation of the Insurrectionary Commune

    The formation of the Insurrectionary Commune
    This is the point in the revolution that the people are now called pure insurrectionist or revolutionist. The insurrectionist included the craftsmen and tradespeople of Paris.
  • Overthrow of the Monarchy

    Overthrow of the Monarchy
    This day is a crucial role in the French Revolution, this is the day the king no longer has any power in France. The royal family is taken under custody, and is put on trial for crimes against France.
  • September Massacres

    September Massacres
    These massacres occured in Paris and lasted 4 long days. These massacres included the killing of royalists and inmates
  • Republic is Declared

    Republic is Declared
    The government is now sorted out and the people decide the government syle they want. The people choose a republic style of government which gave the people more voice than the previous monarchy.