French revolution 2

The French Revolution

By tfang
  • Day of the Tiles

    Day of the Tiles
    This is the first minor revolt of the French Revolution. Many suppressed French citizens of Grenoble gathered together to write a parliment with a couple demands against the goverment. Goverment soldiers were sent to quell the resistance, but the citizens drove them out by climbing up their roofs and throwing tiles at the soldiers.
  • Estates-General is established

    Estates-General is established
    During this time, there were three estates. The first estate was the clergy, the second estate was the nobility, and the third estate was the commoners. The first two estates had the majority of power. The Estates-General was a revision that allowed the commoners which made up 97% of the country to participate in the goverment along with the nobility and clergy. This was a beginning of the common people gaining power.
  • National Assembly formed

    National Assembly formed
    Delegates from the third estate and some of the poorer clergy formed the national assembly. They cried out to draft a constitution, but Louis XVI didn't respond and tried to disperse them. Angered, the national assembly vowed to not adjourn until a constitution was drafted. Louis XVI started recognizing the reality of the revolution from this.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    At this time, the people were already angry with the goverment. They also needed gunpowder which there were great quantities of in the bastille, a prison fortress. The citizens formed a giant crowd and after getting very hyped up, stormed the bastille. Seven prisoners were released and the the govenor and bastille guards after being killed, had their heads mounted on pikes. The bastille was demolished shortly afterwards.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is written

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is written
    This document was written expressing how all three estates were equal at all times.
  • March to Versailles

    March to Versailles
    After many rumors of the nobility's lavishness despite the country's poverty angered the common French people. The people were poor and hungry and demanded an anwer from the king who never responded immidiately. Furious mobs of mostly middle class working women gathered together and marched to Versaille, the capital. A mob of 7,000 stormed the palace and forced the king and queen to relocate to Paris where the french citizens could reach them.
  • Provinces Replaced

    Provinces Replaced
    The provinces of France was replaced by a department system. This was change was made to remove feudal ownerships of land and to create a central goverment centered around Paris.
  • The Guillotine

    The Guillotine
    The guillotine was the instrument that was used to behead people in France. It was invented by Joseph Guillotine and it's speed, swiftness, and efficiency in beheading a criminal dubbed it the national razor. Because of its efficiency, it actually increased the amount of capital punishment in France and was used excessively in the Reign of Terror.
  • France declares war on Austria

    France declares war on Austria
    France declares war on Austria. Austria has an alliance with Prussia which makes France at war with Prussia too.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    At this point, the people of France were in almost complete power. King Louis XVI was accused of treason and conspiracy against France and was beheaded on the guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror lasted a year from1793 to July 27, 1794. During this period, roughly 28,000 people were executed. People were executed over small crimes and people accused their enemies of crimes so that they would be executed. Mass executions were performed with the guillotine. Finally, the Reign of Terror ended when Maximilen Robespierre, the Reign of Terror's leader, was executed.
  • A French Constitution Established

    A French Constitution Established
    A revised constitution of France was written. It supported a liberal Republic and equality for all people.
  • End of French Revolution

    End of French Revolution
    Napolean Bonaparte gains complete control of France ending the French Revolution