06 french revolution

The French Revolution

  • Nobiltiy forces King Louis XVI to call the Estates General into session

    Nobiltiy forces King Louis XVI to call the Estates General into session
    The king was in trouble. The nobility was not happy this his attempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost once again on the Third Estate.
  • Estate-General meets in paris

    Estate-General meets in paris
    King Louis XVI calls body into session to approve a new tax on the 3rd Estate. Had not met in 175 years
  • 3rd Estate refused to abide by the kings one vote for each esate order

    3rd Estate refused to abide by the kings one vote for each esate order
    3rd estates' people say they have a say in France's law. The king locked them out of the meeting room.
  • Tennic Court Oath

    Tennic Court Oath
    The members of the Third Estate meet at the indoor tennis court of Versailles and pledge not to leave unitl they have written a constitution for the nation they represent. The king eventually concedes to their demands.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille also served as an arsenal; and the mob actually stomed it to get their hands on weapons and gunpowder.
  • Great Fear begins

    Great Fear begins
    Rumors of shortage of grains and harvest peasant started to go crazy
  • National assembly abolishes Fuedalism with the august decrees

    National assembly abolishes Fuedalism with the august decrees
    after great gear tax decreased and nobles give up their titles and more balanced class structure
  • Declartion of the rights of men

    Declartion of the rights of men
    first step to writing a constitution it gave fundamental rights to men, not only French but everyone. It didn't mention much about women or slavery
  • Women of paris March to Versailles for Bread

    Women of paris March to Versailles for Bread
    It made the common being shine and not only have the noble people be the center of attention
  • Royal Family's flight from Varennes

    Royal Family's flight from Varennes
    since the king tried to flee from paris it caused him to get his head get cut off 1793
  • New constitition adopted

    New constitition adopted
    a short lived document that gave the king way to much power, it helped make constittional monarchy the king still fled to jacobins. french revolution still rolling.
  • Beginning of Legislative Assembly

    Beginning of Legislative Assembly
    It provided the focus of political debate and revolutionary law-making
  • Brunswick Warns that Roal fam not to be harmed

    Brunswick Warns that Roal fam not to be harmed
    Or else French civilians would be harmed. It was a measure intended to intimidate the people in Paris, it just made the French Revolution even more serious and finally led to the war between revolutionary France and counter-revolutionary monarchies.
  • Storming of Tuileries Palace

    Storming of Tuileries Palace
    The Storming of the Tuileries Palace proved effected since it dropped the french the monarchy
  • French Monarchy is officially abolished

    French Monarchy is officially abolished
    Revolutionary Gov't votes to abolish the monarchy and establish the first republic. Royal family imprisoned
  • French defeat invaders who are attempting to preserve monarchy

    French defeat invaders who are attempting to preserve monarchy
    France turns the tide of the war and takes the offensive against the invaders.
  • Exucution of King Louis XVI

    Exucution of King Louis XVI
    he was charged with treason and the last thing that set his exicution after he tried to flee in 1791
  • Committee of public safety established

    Committee of public safety established
    it established protection against foreign attacks and internal rebellion
  • Law of suspects passes Beginning of the reign of the terror in France

    Immediately after the publication of the present decree, all suspects within the territory of the Republic and still at large, shall be placed in custody.
  • End of the reign of terror, execution of the Robespierre

    End of the reign of terror, execution of the Robespierre
    It was triggered by a vote of the National Convention to execute Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just and several other leading members of the Terror. This ended the most radical phase of the French Revolution.
  • National Convetion is the dissolved and the creation of the Directorate

    National Convetion is the dissolved and the creation of the Directorate
    National Convention was elected to provide a new constitution for the country after the overthrow of the monarchy
  • Napoleon named First consul

    Napoleon named First consul
    established himself as the head of a more conservative, authoritarian, autocratic, and centralized republican government in France while not declaring himself head of state
  • Coronation of Napoleon Bonapoarte as Emperor of France

    Coronation of Napoleon Bonapoarte as Emperor of France
    the first Frenchman to hold the title of emperor in a thousand years