
The French Revolution

  • Louis XVI is forced to call the Estates General by the nobility.

    Louis XVI is forced to call the Estates General by the nobility.
    The Second Estate forces King Louis XVI to activate the General Estates.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • Estate-General meets in Paris

    Estate-General meets in Paris
    King Louis XVI calls body into session to approve a new tax on the 3rd Estate.
  • 3rd Estate refuse to abide by the kings one vote for each estate order.

    3rd Estate refuse to abide by the kings one vote for each estate order.
    The people paying all of the taxes refuse to let the king vote for everything and have all the say.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The first time when the 3rd Estate formally stood against Louis XVI and the National Assembly's refusal to back down made Louis reform things.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    Marked the start of the Revolution when peasants took control of the castle and murdered the officials to show they're serious.
  • Great Fear Begins

    Great Fear Begins
    The 3rd Estate feared for their lives and the reaction of Louis XVI.
  • National Assembly abolishes feudalism with August Decrees

    National Assembly abolishes feudalism with August Decrees
    All the Estates combined as one to remove the feudal system completely.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The document resembled the US Constitution and the statements in the documents excluded women.
  • Women of Paris march to Versailles for bread

    Women of Paris march to Versailles for bread
    The Women’s March brought to an end the great monarchy of Versailles. It transformed the role of women in revolution and what political gains they could expect for themselves.
  • Royal family's flight from Varennes

    Royal family's flight from Varennes
    If the family successfully escaped out of the country, a counter-revolution against France would take place because of Louis XVI.
  • New constitution adopted

    New constitution adopted
    Citizens that paid taxes and were over 25 could now vote and Louis XVI swore an oath to the constitution.
  • Beginning of Legislative Assembly

    Beginning of Legislative Assembly
    Led by two opposing groups.
  • Brunswick Manifesto warns that the Royal family must not be harmed.

    Brunswick Manifesto warns that the Royal family must not be harmed.
    Meant scare Paris to stop the violence, but actually brought more.
  • Storming of the Tuileries Palace

    Storming of the Tuileries Palace
    Signified the end of the monarchy.
  • French monarchy is officially abolished

    French monarchy is officially abolished
    Revolutionary government votes to abolish the monarchy and make the first Republic. The royal family is in prison.
  • French defeat foregin invaders, who are attempting to preserve the monarchy.

    French defeat foregin invaders, who are attempting to preserve the monarchy.
    France makes offensive moves against the invaders and turns the tide of the war.
  • The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris

    The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris
    The citizens of Paris ensure hope for a new government by killing Louis XVI.
  • Committee of Public Safety established

    Committee of Public Safety established
    France seeks to protect themselves from foreign attacks and their own people from rebelling against them.
  • Law of Suspects passes beginnng of the Reign of Terror in France

    Law of Suspects passes beginnng of the Reign of Terror in France
    Led to a "revolutionary paranoia" that swept the nation.
  • End of Reign of Terror

    End of Reign of Terror
    End the French Revolution by killing the leader of the committee.
  • National Convention is dissolved, the Directorate is created

    National Convention is dissolved, the Directorate is created
    Held the executive power in France during the first years of the French First Republic.
  • Napoleon named first Consul

    Napoleon named first Consul
    Declared himself the leader of the government but not the leader of the state.
  • Coronation of Napolean Bonaparte as Emperor of France

    Coronation of Napolean Bonaparte as Emperor of France
    Took the crown from the pope and crowned himself. Sent a mesage that nobody commands him but himself.