French revolution

the french revolution

  • Causes

    France had very bad leadership. King Louis 16 was a young man and deffinitally not fit for a king. Queen Marie Antoinette loved to spend money on dumb things, therefore france had very little money and was pretty much bankrupt.
  • D.R.M

    This was made for the national assembly. They all had to meet at a near by tennis court sinse the king wouldnt let them use his castle.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The tennis court oath was made for the third estate. The tennis court oath is a promise made by the third estate to promise that they will keep getting together to work on getting some rights.
  • National Assembly created

    National Assembly created
    The national assembly was made of the third estate. This assembly was created because the third estate was tired of never getting thier ways and having to pay so much when they havae so little. The third estate was going to rebell.
  • attack on the Bastille

    attack on the Bastille
    The the people who attacked the Bastile was the third estate. everyone attacked the bastille becuase that is where all their gun powder was stored and they needed the gun powder for their guns to shoot things.
  • Bread March

    Bread March
    Thousands of wemon marched the 12 miles from Pairs to Varsailles. These women were armed with broomsticks and swords, ect. Tehy did all this because they wanted food and thye wanted King Louis to sign the D.R.M.
  • Royal Escape

    Royal Escape
    The Royal Escape was when King Louis 16 and Mair Antonette tryed to escape their castle while under house arrest. They soon got caught and were forced back to their castle where they got put under even stricter rules.
  • Death of King Louis 16

    Death of King Louis 16
    King Louis 16 got his head chopped off by a guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    This was caused because the french army was loosing and their enemies but a naval blockade on france ports. As a result the french government started killing anyone against the french revolution.
  • how Marie Antoinette died

    how Marie Antoinette died
    Marie got her head cut off by a guillotine.
  • Naoleon becomes dictator of France

    Naoleon becomes dictator of France
    Napolean was an amazing leader during the French Revolution. By 1799 Napoelon had overthrown the French government and became dictartor of France.
  • Napoleans army

    Napoleans army
    Napolean lead a million man army. His army was invinsibile except when they fought Russia.
  • Family members in charge

    Family members in charge
    Napoleon left with his army. He left his family in charge of the kingdom.
  • results of the French revolution

    results of the French revolution
    The church lost most of its poer. There are no longer three estates.