The  french revolution

The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • Causes of the French Revolution

    Causes of the French Revolution
    France was bankrupt which caused issues. They also had bad leadership because their king was only 19 and very immature. They also had a poor harvest so people were starving while the queen spent all the money on pointless things fo herself.
  • France goes Bankrupt

    France goes Bankrupt
    France had absolutely no money, due to frivilous spending by the king and queen. This causes tremendous issues
  • The National Assembly is Created

    The National Assembly is Created
    One day the King called for a meeting of the Represenatives for each estate, when the 3rd estate was outvoted then got mad and stormed out. The unfair advantages between the estates left them no option but to revolt and form The National Assemblt
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The National Assembly makes a plan to meet everyday at Versailles, on the Tennis Court and make the D.R.M. When they finish they stop meeting at the Tennis Court.
  • Attack on Baistille

    Attack on Baistille
    The people felt the need to be armed because the King had his army surround Paris, so they got all the gun powder they could, the rest was stored at Bastille. So, they attacked Bastille in order to collect the gun powder, many died in the process.
  • Declaration of Rights of Men

    Declaration of Rights of Men
    The National Assembly got together and created a document with the lists of rights they thought everyone shoud have, no matter what estate you belong to. They wanted to have no absolute monarchy. They tried to get the King to sign it, which he finally did.
  • Bread March

    Bread March
    The women got very angry and went to Versailles with weapons to get the food, but most importantly to get the King to sign the D.R.M. They successfully killed many gaurds and the got the food back to Paris, along with the King and Queen. The king signed the Declaration.
  • Royal Escape

    Royal Escape
    The royal family dresses as peasants and tries to escape to Austria. They come very close to succeeding but end up getting caught and brought back to Paris. They recieve consequences.
  • King Loius 16 Is Beheaded

    King Loius 16 Is Beheaded
    France outs their own King on trial and finds him guilty. He is beheaded by a guillotine. Many countries then declare war on France.
  • Jean Paul Marat Dies.

    Jean Paul Marat Dies.
    Jean Paul Marot, a 1st estate citizen is beheaded.He was someone who had a big influence in parts of the french revolution.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    This was a time period that lasted one year. People were killing a lot of people by using the guillotine. France was a mess and you could be exacuted for several reasons.
  • Marie Antionette Dies

    Marie Antionette Dies
    Marie's hair is cut and she is tooken to the guillotine in a wagon. There she is beheaded.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Comes to Power

    Napoleon Bonaparte Comes to Power
    He rises from being a general to a Dictator. The people actually like him because he didn't take everyones rights away. He helped to make France very successful in concurring other countries.
  • Napoleon is defeated

    Napoleon is defeated
    He is defeated and sent to the island of St. Helena. Where he escapes and comes back to France and rules again. He is later captured for the second time and brought to a different island gaurded by Brittish troops.
  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon dies
    He died on the island that he was banished to. What he died from is debated but many think he was poisoned because his skin was still on his body when it was brought back to Paris to be burried. This is an indication of some type of perservative found in poisons.
  • France wins

    France wins
    All of the countries they have been battling against they defeat. They had a million man army so they took the win very easily, under great direction.