300px french revolution guillotine

The French Revolution.

  • The Third Estate declares itself to be the National Assembly

    The Third Estate declares itself to be the National Assembly
  • The tennis court oath.

    The tennis court oath.
    The Oath was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate. Where they took a solemn collective oath "not to separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established".
  • The people of Paris attack the Bastille.

    The people of Paris attack the Bastille.
    The people were in search of gunpowder and weapons for their own defense but they found none.
  • D.R.M created.

    D.R.M created.
    The "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" were passed by the National Assembly. The King never approved of the Declaration and he refused to endorse it.
  • Bread march.

    Bread march.
    Women in the marketplaces of Paris nearly rioted over the high price and scarcity of bread. The market women and their various allies grew into a mob of thousands and marched to the Palace of Versailles.
  • Guillotine adopted as official means of execution.

    Guillotine adopted as official means of execution.
    Designed by Dr Joseph Guillotine, a man described as kindly and who wanted to make execution more humane. Victims were placed on a bench, face down, and their necks positioned between the uprights.
  • King Louis 16 dies.

    King Louis 16 dies.
    King Louis XVI was accused of treason. He tried to leave his country and go to Austria.The people of France decided that he had was useless to the country and he was sentenced to death by the guillotine.
  • Start of Reign of Terror.

    Start of Reign of Terror.
    After the death of King Louis XVI, the Reign of Terror began. Robespierre was the one who controlled the Reign of Terror. He was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety.
  • Marie Antoinette guillotined.

    Marie Antoinette guillotined.
    Marie Antoinette was beheaded because as queen, she didn't take care of her people in France.
  • Napoleon becomes dictator of France

    Napoleon becomes dictator of France