The French Revolution

  • National Guard is Formed

    Mainly Composed of Middle Class Men. The National Guard is formed in Paris
  • The Storming of The Bastille

    The poor laboroers of Paris stormed the Bastille Prison after the king sent troops to Versaille to disperse the National Assembly. This is viewed as the begginging of the French Revolution.
  • Declaration Rights Of Man

    The Assembly adopts the: Declaration of Right of Man and abolished Feudalism.
  • Church Property is Nationalized

    Church property nationalised and otherwise expropriated.
  • Nobility Abolished

    Nobility abolished by the National Assembly, by now many nobles had already left France.
  • Guillotine System Adopted

    Guillotine HistoryUnder the Legislative assembly the Guillotine becomes the official means of execution replacing hanging.
  • War On Austria

    France declares war on Austria and Prussia during a time of harsh poverty when food riots occur regularly on the streets of Paris.
  • Robespierre aims to Guillotine Louis XVI

    Robespierre argues that "Louis must die, so that the country may live".
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Louis XVI is finally Guillotined.
  • Beginning of Napoleon's era

    Leadership of Napolean established under the french consulate.