The French Revolution

  • The Estates-General Meets

    The Estates-General Meets
    There were many economic ans social problems in France during the rule of Louis XVI. Nobles wanted the King to summon the Estates-General, which has not been called for 175 years in fear of another rise of feudalism. They hoped to bring order and control to the monarchy, as well as garuntee their own rights.
  • Third Estates Declares Itself National Assembly

    Third Estates Declares Itself National Assembly
    The Third Estate was made up of the common people of France. While they got a say in the goverment, they were often outvoted on issues by the first and second estates just by the was votes were counted. They decided to step up and claim their right as the representation of the people of France, creating the National Assembly.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a medieval fortress that was used as a prison, and was believed to hold weapons and gunpowder. The people of France attacked the Bastille, eventually overcoming its defenses, killing the commander and five guards. They took the Bastille apart brick by brick. July 14th is stll celebrated as Bastille Day in France.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was partly based off of the Constitution of the United States, written 13 years earlier. It contained many ideas created during the Enlightenment, such as liberty and freedom. Louis XVI was slow toaccept this new document, making people angry.
  • Louis XVI is Executed

    Louis XVI is Executed
    Louis XVI attempted to flee Paris with his wife, Marie Antionette, in hope to get foreign forces to help fight the revolution. He was caught and brought back, viewed as a traitor. His trial was swift and was sentanced to the guillotine.
  • Maximilien Robespierre Asssumes Leadership

    Maximilien Robespierre Asssumes Leadership
    Robespierre's ascent to leadership in the Committee of Public Safety was quick. He had a selfless dedication to the Revolution, earning him his nickname of "The Incorruptible". He believed that the common good should be the source of law.
  • Maximilien Robespierre is Executed

    Maximilien Robespierre is Executed
    While Robespierre played a huge role in starting the Revolution, he was also responsible for the Reign of Terror which proceeded it. Nearly 800 people a month were sent to the guilliotine. This was too much for the people of France, who captured him, eventually sending him to the same fate as those who died. This was one of the last times the guilliotine was used.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Takes Power

    Napoleon Bonaparte Takes Power
    Napoleon Bonaparte was a brilliant officer in the French army. He won many battles, and eventually became a political leader. He set up a new three man governing structure, called the Consulate, and named himself First Consul.
  • Napoleon is Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is Defeated at Waterloo
    Napoleon Bonaparte was finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by the British. This marked the end of an era. Napoleon was sent on exile for the second time, this time to an island called St. Helena.