The French Revolution

  • The storming of the Bastille

    A mob of Parisans went to the Bastille looking for weapons to be prepared for the violence the king would use to end meetings
  • National Assembly formed

    They proclaimed themselves a legislature with the rights to make laws for France.
  • Ending of the feudal dues

    One of the demands of the peasants, in which after they were very pleased.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was adopted

    The Declaration laid out the basic principles of the French Revoloution. It stated that all men are born equal and remain equal before the law, unlike women.
  • Sezied Church Land

    National Assembly seized church lands and sold them to pay off debt. All religious orders were disbanded.
  • National Assembly completed its constitution.

    It created a new legislative body called the Legislative Assembly. Citizens gained more voting rights, but only taxpaying men at least 25 years old could vote. Kept monarchy, but severely restricted the king's power.
  • Tuileries Palce Slaughter

    Legislative Assembly voted itself out of power and the National Convention took its place, and its first acts were to abolish the monarchy and make France a republic.
  • King's Execution

    Louis was killed by the guillotine after he pleaded innocent.
  • The Reign of Terror began

    An outbreak of civil war, many accusations and trials, and many deaths by the guillotine.
  • Robespierre's Execution

    Robespierre and his supporters were taken to the guillotine by the National Convention.
  • Another Constitution was written

    The National Convention wrote another Constitution that restricted voting rights. The directory was then made.