The French Revolution

  • French Revolution

    France had an absolute monarchy.They lived at a place called Versailles,which is about 12 miles outside Paris,France.The King was King Louis XIV,the Queen was Marie Antoinette.The causes of the French Revolution were:The Enlightenment,Bankruptcy,Drought,King and Queen wasting money.
  • The National Assembly Is Formed

    King Louis XVI and his government were out of money,so he wanted to tax the 1st and 2nd estate as well.A special meeting was called with representatives from all 3 estates.The debate was over should the 3rd estate be the only one paying taxes?The votes were 2 against 1.The 3rd estate decided to form The National Assembly.The National Assembly would be a true representative of the French people
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    For the 3rd estatethe only place to meet was the tennis court so,the Tennis Court Oath was made as a promise of the National Assembly to keep meeting until they finished creating the Declaration of the Rights of Man.A few ideas of the Declaration of the Rights of Man were Everyone is equal,Freedom of speech and press,Natural Rights.
  • French Revolution Officially Starts

    The French Revolution officially starts on July 14,1789 when thousands of Parisans stormed The Bastille,in Paris.King Louis 16th had 30,00 soldiers surrounding Paris.So,the people of Paris stormed the Bastille to get gunpowder for their muskets
  • Bread March

    On October 15,1789,the famous Bread March occured.Thousands of woman from Paris marched 12 miles from Paris to the Versailles palace.They carried broomsticks,pitchforks,swords,muskets etc.The women were angry about the shortage of bread,so they broke down the gates,killed the guards,and captured the king and queen.The king and queen were forced to leave Versailles forever and had to move to their palace in Paris as prisoners.
  • France's Econimc Change

    In 1791,France was changed from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy.In June 1791,King Louis 16 and Marie Antoinette tried to flee from France to Austria.They were recognized and returned back to Paris.In response,France declared war on the Austrian Empire and Prussia.At the beginning of the war,France was losing the war,so the French people looked for scapegoats.King Louis 16 and Marie Antoinette were accused of sending secret information to Prussia and Austria.
  • Reign of Terror

    In 1793 and for about a year,the French government killed 40,000 Frenchmen who were thought to be against the revolution.The Reign of Terror started to slow down once France defeated Austria and Prussia.It officially came to an end when rRobespierre was sent to the guillotine
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Facts Continued

    Napoleonic Code-Napoleon officially made all of the Enlightenment ideas into laws,o he was very popular with the French people.From 1802-1812,Napoleon led his army in defeating Britain,Russia,Austria,Prussia,and Sweden.Napoleons grand army was made up with 600,000 troops.Napoleons French army conquered most of Europe.As Napoleon achieved victory after victory,Napoleon would put his family member in charge of the conquered countries.Every country that France took over,the Enlightenment ideas woul
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    From 1795-1799,there was just chaos and violence and the new government called the Directory couldn't make the new people happy.In 1799.a French general named Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the government and France was transformed from a constitutional monarchy to a dictatorship.Napoleon coming to power is considered the end of the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Facts

    He was born in Corisca.He went to military school as a kid and he joined the army in 1785.He was very unpopular with other soldiers.This is because he was short and not from France.He was very intelligent and quickly moved up the military ranks.He was in charge of the French army in Italy he was very popular with the National Assembly.When Napoleon overthrew the French government in 1799,he was only 30 years old.Napoleonic Code-Napoleon officially made all of the Enlightenment ideas into laws,so