The French/Industrial/American Revolution

  • Period: to


  • The Declaration of Independence

    This was a document that basically marked the beginning of the United States. It stated that the 13 colonies were sovreign and were no longer under the British Empire. This is a political event.
  • The Constitution

    This was an a document written for the U.S. government. It stated the peoples rights and even had rights that could be added on. It was written in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is a political event.
  • Estates-General

    All three estates met to discuss France's current financial situation. This lead to new discussions about taxes and representation. This was an economic event.
  • The National Assembly Formation

    This is the day that the officials of the Third Estate started to call themselves The National Assembly, This was also when the end of the Absolute Monarchy started. This was a social event.
  • Bastille Day

    This was the day that the third estate stormed the Bastille and took gunpowder. This is now an independance day in France. This is a political event.
  • The End of the Old Regime

    The old regime was filled with arsitocrats, high taxes, and a monarchy. This marked the day when this all changed. They made commoners equal to the clergy and nobles. This is a political event.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    This was when this document was approved by the National Assembly. It contained ideas of natural rights and and other enlightenment ideas. This is a social event.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female Citizen

    This document was written by Olympe De Gouges. This was in repsonse to the Declartion of the Rights of Man. She believed that women were equal to man. This is a social event.
  • Death of King Louis 16

    This was the day that the idea of an absolute monarchy was gone in France. With the death of the king, the national assembly was officially in charge. This was a political event.
  • Death of Georges Danton

    This was during the Reign of Terror. Robespierre had become mad with power and murdered fellow colleagues. Danton died by the guillotine. This was a social event (it happened when watching the guillotine was a social event.)
  • Napoleon Becomes Emporer

    Napoleon had been leading and wanted to become emporer. With the peoples consent, he crowned himself emporerer. This was a political event.
  • The War of 1812 Starts

    The Britissh navy stopped ships and searched and taxed them to enfoce a blockade. Ameria was angered and declared war on 1812. This was a diplomatic/military event.
  • The Battle of Borodino

    The was a battle between France and Russia. The battle consisted of indecisive fighting and forced the Russians to fall back. This lead to the demise of Moscow. This was a diplomatic/military event.
  • Napoleon Escapes from Elba

    After trying to start an empire, Napoleon had been banished. After learing about Louis 18 becoming the new ruler, he escaped from this island to become the ruler agian. This is a political event.
  • The Holy Alliance

    This was an agreement between Alexander I, Francis I, and King Frederick Williams III. In it, they pledged that they would use Christian principles to fight revolutions. This came due to fear of another revolution. This is a diplomatic/military event.
  • The Death of Napoleon

    This marked the end of Napoleon. He died on a remote island that he was banished to. It is believed that he died of stomach cancer. This was a social event.
  • 1842 Mines Act

    In May, this act became official in Britain. It prevented women and children from working underground (mining, etc). This was due to the fact that mining caused many physical damages. This was an economic event.
  • The Factory Act of 1847

    This act also happened in Britain. This prevented women and children from working over 10 hours per day. This was caused by overworking many employees. This was an economic event.
  • Elizabeth Gaskall's "Mary Barton"

    This is a fiction book written by Elizabeth Gaskall. It depicts the life of an urban families in the slums. It represented how life was in urban areas. This was a cultural event.
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    This was a speech and document given by Abraham Lincoln. The speech touched on slavery and how only congress could get rid of it. He also addressed the military. This was a cultural event.
  • The Jungle

    This was when "The Jungle" was published. This was written by Upton Sinclair and was meant to change the government, Instead it changed the food industry. This was a cultural event.