The Fall of the Roman Empire

  • 100

    Augustus Caesar and the Rise of the Empire

    Augustus Caesar and the Rise of the Empire
    Octavian formed a triumpvirant. ( Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepadus). The Romans gave Octavian the title Augustus. Augustus Caesar was the first Roman Emporer. What helped them out is that he expanded the empire. After known Augustus Caesar he makes a second triumpvirant with Marc Antony and Lepadus.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    The Fall of the Roman Empire

  • 190

    The Empire Begins to Decline

    The Empire Begins to Decline
    Weak and corrupt rulers led to an economic decline.
  • 305

    The Empire Splits in Half

    The Empire Splits in Half
    The Roman Empire splits under two sections. The eastern half and the western half. Diocletion took the eastern side because it was alot wealthier and gave the other half to Maximian.
  • 476

    The Collapse of the Roman Empire

    The Collapse of the Roman Empire