
The Fall of The Roman Empire

  • 100

    Augustus Caesar and the Rise of the Empire

    Augustus Caesar and the Rise of the Empire
    Octavian formed a triumpvirant. ( Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepadus). The Romans gave Octavian the title Augustus. Augustus Caesar was the first Roman Emporer. What helped them out is that he expanded the empire. After known Augustus Caesar he makes a second triumpvirant with Marc Antony and Lepadus.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    The Fall of the Roman Empire

  • 161

    Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius
    He ruled from 161 C.E to 180 C.E. Marcus was considered the last of the " five good emporers ". He unified the empire economicly. Where it started getting bad is when he hired his son Commodus to follow him as emporer.
  • 170

    Starting to Corrupt apart

      Starting to Corrupt apart
    The Roman empire starts to fall apart. Series of bad empores corrupt the empire. Marcus Aurelius was the last good emporer. Then it starts going downhill when Commodus comes along.
  • 305

    Diocletian After Corruption

    Diocletian After Corruption
    He had helped Rome after the corruption. Diocletian had doubled the size of the army to try to defend the boarders. After a while, he had improved the structure. Stopped ruling in 305 C.E.
  • 305

    Roman Empire Splits into Two Pieces

    Roman Empire Splits into Two Pieces
    The Roman Empire splits under two sections. The eastern half and the western half. Diocletion took the eastern side because it was alot wealthier and gave the other half to Maximian.
  • 306

    Constantine Tries to Help Out Empire

    Constantine Tries to Help Out Empire
    Constantine ruled Rome from 306 C.E to 337 C.E. He was the first Roman Emporer to support Christianity. When he at the battle at the Milvian Bridge, he looked up at the sky and saw a symbol. In 313 C.E he suppoorted the Edict of Milan. Finally he moved the capital of Roman Empire to Constantinople. He stepped of of his throne in 337 C.E.
  • 400

    Invaders in Rome

    Invaders in Rome
    The romans could not hold off the invaders that had entered
  • 410


    The Visigoths had entered the Roman Empire as the first group to invade after Constantine had left.
  • 455

    Vandals have landed in Rome

    Vandals have landed in Rome
    The Vandels had came in 455 C.E and left romes army power less.
  • 476

    Ostrogoths led to the Final Collapse

     Ostrogoths led to the Final Collapse
    The final collapse of the empire was from the Ostrogoths. They took over in 476 C.E and led to the final collapse.
  • 500

    Roman Empire Falls and Dies Out

    Roman Empire Falls and Dies Out
    The Roman Empire falls apart in 500 C.E. 3 groups of people invaded the empire and made them die out.
  • Commodus and the Fall of the Empire

    Commodus and the Fall of the Empire
    click here to view a videoHe ruled from 180 to 192 C.E. He started to decline the empire because all he cared about was the entertainment. Commodus did a bad thing because he let others rule with him that werent even real emporers. They were getting sick of him so they assasinated him in 12/31 193 C.E.
  • The empire went into a 50 year decline

     The empire went into a 50 year decline
    Had weak corrupt rulers. They had hired mercenaries as their army. The size of the empire decreased. Finally they had serious Econimical problems.
  • Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    The Pax Romana was created in 27 B.C.E and it ended in 180 C.E. It was a 200 year span. It was Considered the "roman peace". This had at least 70 million people following it.