The Byzantine Empire

  • 395

    Division of Theodosius

    Division of Theodosius
    The emperor Theodosius divides the Roman Empire into two halves: the western Roman Empire (whose capital was Rome) and the Eastern Roman Empire (whose capital was Constantinople)
  • 476

    End of the Western Roman Empire

    End of the Western Roman Empire
  • 527

    The reign of Justinian begins

    The reign of Justinian begins
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian´s rule

    The freatest period of glory of the Byzantine Empire was during the reign os Justinian (527-565)
  • 565

    The reign of Justinian ends

  • 726

    Worship of religious images is banned

    Worship of religious images is banned
  • 1054

    East-West Schim

    East-West Schim
    This was a split between the Ortodox Church, wich recognised the Patriarch of Constantinople, and the Roman Catholic Church, wich only accepted the autorithy of the Pope
  • 1203

    First conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders

    First conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders
  • 1453

    The Turks capture Constantinople. End of the Byzantine Empire

    The Turks capture Constantinople. End of the Byzantine Empire