The Age of Napoleon

  • Napoleon's Birth

    Napoleon's Birth
    Napoleon was born on August 15th 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica, France. His father's name was Carlo Buonaparte and his mother's name was Letizia Ramolino. Napoleon was also born as a Roman Catholic.
  • Becoming an officer in the French army

    Becoming an officer in the French army
    He became an officer in the French artillery and a master at war. He used the French Revolution as his opportunity to get power. Then Napoleon was promoted because of his victory over the British army.
  • Military campaign in Egypt and Syria

    Military campaign in Egypt and Syria
    Napeleon led and expidtion into Eygpt agianst the British and got destroyed. He was able to aviod France knowing about the heavy loses. This allowed him to maintain his populatrity.
  • Coup d’état

    Coup d’état
    Means 'blow to the state" and a seizure of power that occurs abruptly is known as a coup. Coup d’état was when napolean took over the legislative and drove out most of its members.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    This gave the country a uniform set of laws and eliminated many injustices. However, it actually limited liberty and promoted order
    and authority over individual rights.
  • Napolean's Coronation

    Napolean's Coronation
    Took place at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, he designed a new coronation that was used for kings in france. He was not coronated as King, however he was coronated as emperor
  • The Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar
    The British smashed the French fleet leading Napoleon to resort to economic warefare by closing ports to british goods, and Britian did the same. This affected the United States trade which lead to the war of 1812.
  • Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Spain

    Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Spain
    He was the older brother of Napoleon who was KIng of Spain from 1808- 1813. He was no only the King of Spain but King of Naples and Sicily as well.
  • The Battle of Wagram

    The Battle of Wagram
    It was a battle between Napolean's french army and the Austrian army. The battle was commanded by Arch Duke Charles of Austria Teschen. It lead to the break up of the Fifth Coalition.
  • The Grand Empire

    The Grand Empire
    By Napolean furthering his reputation on the battlefield, his Grand Empire reached its greatest point. This empire controlled a whole lot and it strengthened often because of him taking huge risks and grew up on the field of battle.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Russia withdrew its support of the Invasion of Russia, Napoleon invaded with an army of 600,000 and 50,000 horses with soilders from 20 different nations and it was known as the Grand Army. The invasion was done in the winter and less than 20,000 returned.
  • Battle of the Nations (Leipzig)

    Battle of the Nations (Leipzig)
    Napoleon was defeated by the armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden. It had 600,000 soldiers fighting which made it the largest battle in Europe after World War I.
  • Napolean's Exile to Elba

    Napolean's Exile to Elba
    Later after his defeat during the battle of Leipeiz he retreated in Paris. When he got there, he was forced to renounce his throne and European powers exiled him to the island of Elba in the mediterranian
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    The battle was fought near Waterloo in Belgium. It also was fought in part of the Netherlands. Napolean and his French army were defeated by the armies of the 7th Coalition.
  • Napoleon’s exile to St. Helena

    Napoleon’s exile to St. Helena
    Napoleon’s exile to St. Helena which was alonely island in the south atlantic, he would not return from this exile and die in 1821.
  • Napolean's Return

    Napolean's Return
    Napolean's return is known as the "hundred days" because he returned from exile on the island of Elba to Paris. He was exiled on March 20th 1815 and returned on July 8th 1815.