"A Girl With A Special Power" by Carla Broussard

  • I Am Unique

    I Am Unique
    When I was younger my dad would say , "Sarah you will always be unique". To this day I wonder exactly what he was talking about but never had the guts to ask. Now I know exactly what he was talking about. When he said it he didn't mean it like any other person would have meant it. What he meant is I can do certain things that no one else can.
  • Time Traveler

    Time Traveler
    When my dad told me I was unique he meant that when I turn 18 I will be able to time travel. At first I didn't belive him but then he showed me journals from my ancestors. He said it wasn't to be taken lightly because the future depends on me. When I'm 18 the time machine will only work on me. He also said there are rules to time traveling and if I break one then I will be stuck where ever I went forever.
  • Rules Of Time Traveling

    Rules Of Time Traveling
    The first rule to time traveling is you can only stay for 48 hours, any more than that will make you stay forever. The second rule is you can only go to the future because if you go to the past you will mess up the order of things. If you decide to go to the past you are stuck forever. The last rule is no one in the time you traveled too can know what you are. Of course all of these rules have exceptions.
  • Breaking The Rules

    Breaking The Rules
    To time travel you go in the machine and whatever year and date you press you automatically go there, at the time I didn't know that. On my 18th birthday I went in the time machine. When I got in the machine I pressed some buttons because I didn't think it was on and the first button I pressed was the year 2000. When I got there I wasn't thinking about how I just broke a rule I was thinking how cool it was that I just time traveled.
  • The Year 2000

    The Year 2000
    The year 2000 is a lot like now, not much has changed. After a day of looking around I realized I didn't know where to go. One bad thing about time traveling is it takes you to another city so you won't meet the you from the past. Now I have no idea where I'm at or where I can stay.
  • Only 24 Hours Left

    Only 24 Hours Left
    I found an empty house to sleep in but now I have 24 hours to figure out the exception to the rule or else I'm stuck here forever. A good place to start is to go see my dad. He is the only one who knows the exception to the rules. From where I am it will take me 16 hours to get to my house. It will waste a lot of time but I have to go.
  • Who Knows The Exceptions?

    Who Knows The Exceptions?
    When I saw my dad he didn't recognize me becasue at the time the other me was younger. Even though he didn't recognize me he still believed me and he told me only one person knows the exception to the rule. That person is my uncle. My uncle doesn't have a phone or an email because he doesn't believe in that stuff. It takes four hours to get to his house and I have eight hours left. I guess I have to take the risk.
  • Running Out of Time

    Running Out of Time
    I shouldv'e never snooped around in the time machine. I had to take a plane to my uncle's and it got delayed because of the weather. I now only have one hour left to find the exception. When I got to my uncles house it was as if he was waiting for me becasue he was already reading our family book about time traveling. He said the only exception to the rule is if you save someone's life who doesn't deserve to die.
  • Smelling Smoke

    Smelling Smoke
    Well that seems impossible. How am I supposed to find someone who is about to die and save them. Maybe the hospital but I'm no nurse. I have no idea how to save someone when they are about to die. In the moment a lot happened. I smelled smoke and heard someone scream "there is a baby in there" and my legs took off.I was running into a burning building everything in me said keep going except for my brain saying is 2000 really that bad. I had to keep going though.
  • NO More Time Traveling.

    NO More Time Traveling.
    I didn't die! Im alive! Im lying in my bed. I looked at the calender gratefull to see the right year. I have no idea what happened last night. The last thing I remember is running into that burning building. I guess the baby got out safe. I really learned my lesson I will never time travel again. My dad still want's me to go in the time machine to make sure it works every now and then.I checked it today and felt my hand hit a lever. When I looked down I saw the year 2001. Uh oh.