My Technological History

By cwardle
  • First Ghetto Blaster

    First Ghetto Blaster
    It was pink. I felt really super cool.
  • First Walkman

    First Walkman
    Walking around with this was a pretty neat thing. I felt so cool
  • CD walkman

    CD walkman
    This was also way cool.
  • My first mac

    My first mac
    I felt really hi tech with this computer at home.
  • First Cell Phone

    First Cell Phone
    I felt much better being able to get a hold of my husband at the time.
  • First iPod

    First iPod
    This was the most up to date iPod
  • First mac book

    First mac book
    This was my favorite laptop and one I use to this day still. Although I have a back up now! My new Dell!!
  • My first iPod Touch

    My first iPod Touch
    I was pretty excited about all the apps I could use on this. It was before I received my first iPhone.
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    This is the coolest phone I have ever owned.
  • My first Dell Laptop

    My first Dell Laptop
    It was a huge surprise that my family organized for me for Christmas! I was in shock!