TAE1 Brook Shi

  • Date of birth.

    Date of birth.
    In 12/22/1993 I was born, thanks my mom and my daddy for give my life.
  • Graduate from elementary school.

    Graduate from elementary school.
    In that time I graduate from elementary school that is important to becaues I made a lot of friend in elementary school.
  • Graduate from meddle school

    Graduate from meddle school
    In my meddle school life I learn a lot of konwledge and I sart to play basketball.
  • Graduate from high school.

    Graduate from high school.
    In that time I graduate from high school. In my high school life I make a lot of friend and it's best time in my life I play basketball for my school.
  • My son born.

    My son born.
    my son will born in that time, me and my family will very happy.
  • Go to Umass Boston

    Go to Umass Boston
    In that time I go to Umass Boston for my college study,I am very work hard, my GPA is very high. and in that time my english is very well as a Chinese.
  • Find love.

    Find love.
    I meet my wife in that time, she is a beautiful girl, smart, and lovely.
  • Graduated from college.

    Graduated from college.
    In that time I guaduated from college, I can't find a job or get some intership in boston.
  • Get a good job.

    Get a good job.
    I back to China and I find a very good job that make me rich. So I can Buy any I want in this world and help the poor people.
  • get married.

    get married.
    In that time I will propose to my girl friend and get married with her.