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Sudan Timeline

By Urbanda
  • Period: to

    Turco-Egyptian Rule of Sudan

    The Turkish Ottoman forces attacked Sudan, taking control of the country. This changed part of Sudan to become Christians.
  • British Colonization of Sudan

    British Colonization of Sudan
    In January 1899, the British and the Egyptians made a pact to both rule the country of Sudan, called a joint authority. The Sudanese wanted independence though because of the British.
  • Britain's Southern Policy in Sudan

    Britain's Southern Policy in Sudan
    The British introduced technology to the Sudanese, but also isolated South Sudan, North Sudan, and Darfur, which made the South Sudanese in poverty.
  • Period: to

    Sudanese First Civil War

    North and South Sudan had a civil war, and the Anya Nya I movement led it. They fought over the policies and government of Sudan.
  • Sudan's Independance from Britain

    Sudan's Independance from Britain
    The Sudanese took back control of Sudan from Britain, which left the North and South Sudanese having a conflict with each other.
  • Nimeiri Becomes President in Sudan

    Nimeiri Becomes President in Sudan
    He became president in 1969, but was ousted from power in 1985 because of the laws he imposed on the people.
  • Anya Nya II is Created

    Anya Nya II is Created
    The Anyanya II fought as a rebel group against the North Sudanese, taking the name from the old Anyanya group that fought in the first Civil War.
  • SPLMA is Created

    SPLMA is Created
    The group was created for the Second Sudanese Civil War. It is fighting for the South Sudanese against the North Sudanese.
  • Period: to

    Second Sudanese Civil War

    The North and South Sudanese fought over oil discovered in South Sudan, and the North stealing it.
  • Omar Al-Bashir becomes President

    Omar Al-Bashir becomes President
    He became president by trashing out most of the votes for other canidates, and proclaiming himself president of Sudan.
  • Major Famine in Sudan

    Major Famine in Sudan
    Crops failed during this time period, and the North did nothing to help the South Sudanese.
  • Darfur Conflict Starts

    Darfur Conflict Starts
    Oman al-Bashir sent the terrorist group the Janjaweed to kill the Darfurians in the state of Darfur.
  • ICC declares genocide in Sudan

    ICC declares genocide in Sudan
    The Court declared that the event in Darfur was a genocide organized by the North Sudanese.