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Sudan Project

  • Turko-Eygptian Rule of Sudan

    Was led by Muhammad. Thousands of Sudanese people were forced to move to egypt. There language were replaced by Arabic language.
  • British Colonization of Sudan

    [British and the Egyptians made a pact to both rule the country of Sudan,the Sudanese wanted independence but they didn’t get independence until the British left. ](British and the Egyptians made a pact to both rule the country of Sudan,the Sudanese wanted independence but they didn’t get independence until the British left. )
  • Britain’s Southern Policy in Sudan

    The British introduced technology to the Sudanese, but also isolated South Sudan, North Sudan, and Darfur, which made the South Sudanese in poverty.
  • 1st Civil War in Sudan

    Anya Nya fought against GOS Then a couple years later, Anya Nya controlled most of sudan.
  • Anya Nya is Created

    Anya Nya is a group of separatist rebels of Southern Sudan.
  • Sudan’s Independence from Britain

    The britain left north and south Sudan which left conflict between the north and the south.
  • Nimeiri Becomes President in Sudan

    He acted as commander of the garrison which was against the rebels. He joined a number of attempts to overthrow the sudanese government.
  • SPLM/A is Created

  • Oil is First Discovered in Sudan

    When southern sudan discovered the oil, there developement was soon to be better, until the north took the oil.
  • 2nd Civil War in Sudan

    President Jaafar Nimeiri reneged on Addis Ababa’s Agreement on Abyei and thats the start of the 2nd Civil War in Sudan.
  • Major Famine in Sudan

    They started fighting when the British come and take over the country. And there are less food supply and it causes death to many civilian.
  • Omar Al-Bashir Becomes President

    He fought with the egyptians to the israel in the 1980. He wanted to be in the ICC so that he took the lead in the sudan army.
  • Darfur Conflict Starts

    Omar al-Bashir sent the Janjaweeds to kill all the people that rebels in Darfur.
  • ICC Declares Genocide in Sudan

    The genocide organized by north sudanese.