Sudan Genocide

  • Rebel Movements

    Rebel Movements
    Formed 2 rebelion army one named Sudan Liberation Army and the other one called Justice and Equality Movement both went against the Goverment (Sudan Gov.). Sudan Goverment released its own army named "devils on horseback".
  • Time to Step in

    2 years had already passed when the International Criminal Court (IIC) had to step in since the goverment wasn't doing nothing but by that time the Sudan goverment was already killing people.
  • Sudan president Arrested

    The Sudan president was indicted by the IIC. by having a campain to be forward the killing, raping and pillage and then later on was arrested.
  • whats happened over time

    Today Sudan is facing innumerable problems which they cant resolve 2.7 million Darfuris remain without a home and 4.7 million need medical help.