Sudan Confict

By Tea16
  • Sudan History

    Sudan History
    All of north and central Sudan was his. For the first time, the Sudan- the name means "Land of Blacks" - began to take shape as a political entity.
  • Pacification

    In the 20th century the british conducted a pacification campaign in Soith Sudan. Military force aerial bombing against people who regared to british.
  • Slave trade

    When the pacification was done, british policymakers stoped the sercrt slave trade and also limit the pentration of North influence in th South.
  • Closed Districts Ordinances

    The Closed Districts Ordinaces place tight controls on access on the South. After the pacification they wer now as regared as needing protection.
  • Zoos

    The policy turned areas in to " arthropological zoos".
  • West and South Sudan

    West and South Sudan were under " native adminstration' using cheifs and shenikhs.
  • Southern Policy

    Southern Policy
    Southern Policy was abandon after the juuba Conference by the colonial government.
  • Education

    Education was rare in th South, it was only a few schools because the british administrators were wary of christian missionries as they were of their couterparts.
  • 800 administives

    800 administritive were posts vacated to the British. Northern Political allocated just foru posts to Sotherns
  • Cario Confernce

    Southerns were not repersented at the 1953 Cariro Conference , on grounds they had "no party or orgainization".
  • Shari'a Law

    Since Shari'a law was incorporated, amputations for theft and Public lashing for alcohol possession were some puishments they could face.