S.S.- Middle ages, rennassaince, and reformation

By jebbyjr
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    WIlliam of normandy of france lands on southern coast, defefsts king harold and the anglo-saxon soldiers at the battle of Hastings
  • Period: Dec 25, 1066 to Sep 9, 1087

    William the Conquerer (english)

    • outstanding statesmen and soldier
    • brought a new pattern of gov't that would make england the strongest state in all of europe
    • invades england from france
    • normann system combined with anglo-saxon
    • great council
    • kings court
      • ordered a census of the property and property owners as a basis to collect all feudal dues owed to him -dominated the church
  • Jan 12, 1073

    Pope Gregory

    Lay investiture of clerical officials (temporary)
  • Dec 29, 1170


    The murder of Thomas Becket, at the hand of King Henry. This greatly reflected the growing tensions between the church and the state, as King Henry would do anything to demonstrate that he was in control, and to prove himself.
  • Period: Jan 12, 1180 to Jan 12, 1223

    Phillip the second (france)

    • First time he became more powerful then any of his vassals
    • greatest ambition was to seize territory from the english
    • Tripled the french royal domain
    • Greatly strenghed the royal administrative system by collecting money from the vassals instead of military service
    • Also established a supreme court of justice called the "parliament'
    • Defied Innocent the second by divorcing his wife, but the pope imposed an interdict, so he backed down
    • He created new sources of revenue
  • Period: Jan 12, 1184 to Jan 12, 1189

    King henry the second (england)

    • Thomas Beckett
    • increased the jurisdiction of the royal courts at the expense of the feudal courts
    • permenant system of circuit courts presided over by justices
    • the jury system
    • a body of Law for all england
    • henrys court system also used jury for private trials
    • justices, and jurys know facts of cases, so courts were quick
    • stimulated growth of common law
  • Period: Jan 12, 1199 to Jan 12, 1216

    King John (england)

    • inept ruler
    • cruelty and inccrupulasness cost him the support of barons
    • Magna Carta -> Limits kings power -> only feudal lands -> due process
  • Period: Jan 12, 1272 to Jan 12, 1307

    King edward (england)

    • only king in charge of whole island
    • invaded scotland over and over again
    • died before he took it over
  • Period: Jan 12, 1285 to Jan 12, 1314

    Phillip the fourth (french)

    • Took advantage of the anti-semitism to expel teh jews and confisicate their possessions
    • Man of violence, cunning, craft
    • Heavily in debt to knights -> order suppressed on heresy charges
    • Also got into a conflict with the pope, when the pope refused to allow him to tax the clergy, so he kidnapped him in order to get money
    • Greedy
    • Kings ability to increase the power and improve the orginization of the royal gov't was the important fact
  • Jan 12, 1330

    The hundred years war- start

    King Phillip VI of France seize Gascony. King Edward II declares war on France. Then the English have early victories
  • Period: Jan 12, 1330 to Jan 12, 1453

    The hundred years war

  • Jan 12, 1346

    The hundred years war- battle of crecy

    South of Flanders, the battle at crecy. The french army is devastated by english longbow archers. THe french attacked without any planned stratagies. The english try to conquer all of france, but they did not have enough men.
  • Oct 12, 1347

    The black death- Carried to Sicily by Merchants

    Death rates: 50-60%
    crowded cities
  • Dec 12, 1347

    The Black Death- Southern France and Spain

  • Dec 12, 1348

    The black death-France and Germany

  • Jan 12, 1349

    The Black Death- England and Scandinavia

  • Jan 1, 1350


    Start of the rennaissance
  • Jan 12, 1351

    The Black Death- Eastern Europe and Russia

    Follows trade routes
  • Jan 12, 1351


    60 jewish communities wiped out in germany, becasue anti-semitism increases as people look for someone to take the blame.
  • Period: Jan 12, 1378 to Jan 12, 1417

    Great Schism

    Two popes, living in two cities. The church loses a lot of political power, and there is a loss of moral prestige. The state is now supreme. In avignon, france, and rome. In france living lavishly
  • Jan 12, 1415

    The hundred years war- Battle at agincourt

    Another desicive english victory. 1500 french nobles die in haphazard attack across muddy feild. ENGLISH NOW CONTROL NORTHERN FRANCE
  • Jan 12, 1429

    The hundred years war- Turning Point

    Joan of Arc convinces King Charles to let her accompy them to Orleans. Has a religious conviction that God has sent her to free france. Within a month, french forces have recaptured Northern France
  • Jan 1, 1430


    The chinese gave up sea exploration and global ambitions because politicions persuaded the emporer that the outside world had nothing to offer China
  • Jan 12, 1430

    The hundred years war- Uh oh

    joan of arc is captured by the english and is charged with witchcraft
  • Jan 12, 1431

    The hundred years war- NOO!!

    Joan of Arc is burned at the stake as a witch
  • Jan 1, 1434


    Cosimo de medici took control of florence
  • Jan 12, 1447


    Francesco Sforza took over Milan after the last Visconti ruler died. Built a strong centralized goverment. Created an efficient tax system and genereated enormous tax revenure for the gov't.
  • Jan 12, 1453


    Constantinople was conquered by Ottoman Turks
  • Jan 12, 1453

    The hundred years war- French Victorious!

    The french sucessfully repel the English out of france
  • Jan 12, 1455

    Movable type

    The movable type gradually overtook printing and the first european book produced from movable type was made in 1455- Gutenberg's Bible
  • Period: Jan 12, 1476 to Jan 12, 1507

    Cesare Borgia

    He was a italian soldier and politician, the younger son of Pope Alexander the sixth.
  • Jan 12, 1485

    Henry Tudor

    He established a new dynasty. He abolished nobles private armies. he used diplomacy to avoid big wars, and didnt need to ask parliament for new taxes which firmed up his support
  • Jan 12, 1490


    An italian friar named Girolamo Savonarola came to florence and preached for reform
  • Jan 12, 1492


    Colombus set sails for the Americas and discovers a whole new continent (and kills 90% of the native people. Whoo, go smallpox!!)
  • Jan 12, 1497


    Savanarola was a serious man who urged the people of florence to give up their luxeries. The people of florance responded to Savonarola by burning their worldy possessions.
  • Jan 12, 1498


    A year later they turned against Savanarola and he was executed for heresy.
  • Jan 12, 1507


    Martin Luther becomes a monk after survivng a violent thunderstorm where he cried out "Saint Anne help me! I will become a monk."
  • Jan 12, 1511


    Erasmus wrote his "Praise of Folly" in which he was very critical of the church, and thought a lot unnecessary, and critized the abuses of the church. The difference between him and Luther was that Luther encouraged the german Princes to start their own churches and Erasmus did not.
  • Oct 31, 1517


    Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the castle church
  • Jan 12, 1520


    Pope leo the tenth threatened to excommunicate him if he did not recant. Luther threw the letter into a bonfire. Leo excommunicated him.
  • Jan 12, 1521


    Pope Leo summoned Martin Luther to the town of worms to stand trial. When Luther was told to recant, he refused
  • Feb 12, 1521


    Month after trial, Charles issued the edict or worms, declaring Luther an outlaw and a heretic
  • Jan 12, 1522


    Luther returned to Wittenberg and discovered that most of his ideas were being and already had been put into practice
  • Jan 12, 1523


    Ulrich Zwingli started his own reformation in Zurich. It was basically the same as Lutherism.
  • Jan 12, 1524


    German peasents revolted, and demanded an end to serfdom. Luther was horrified. The armies crushed the revolt, and massacred as many as 100,000 people. Feeling betrayed by Luther, many peasents rejected his religious leadership.
  • Jan 12, 1529


    German princes who remained loyal to the pope agreed to join forces against Luther and his ideas. The princes with Luther signed a protest against the agreement, and came to be known as PROTESTants.
  • Feb 12, 1529

    Bread and Blood

    Luther and Zwingli met to discuss merging the two religions, but they disagreed on one thing. They could not agree whether the lords supper was literal or symbolic. Luther thought that the bread and wine was representative of Jesus's body and blood, whereas Ulrich thought that they were actually drinking and eating Jesus's blood and body.
  • Jan 12, 1534


    The english act of supremecy. The king would be in charge of the church, ad be able to pick the clergy, and be conpletly in charge of the church of england.
  • Jan 12, 1540


    The jesuits were recignized as a religious order. They were founded by Ignatious of Loyola.
  • Jan 12, 1547

    King: Fail

    King Charles V defeated the princes, but he failed to force them to transfer to cathalosism (sp?)
  • Jan 12, 1555

    Peace at last!

    The german princes and king Charles V all signed a agreement called the peace of ausburg, determining that the leader would be able to pick whatever religion he wanted for his kingdom
  • No more peace :(

    Pax Romana ends
  • Period: to

    Hugh Capet (french)

    • Weak Leader
    • King of tiny Feudal estate
    • Kept french crown in family
    • Weaker then Vassals