SS 9 Year End Project

  • Period: Jun 17, 1500 to


    Year end socials project.
  • English Revolution

    England defeats the spanish Armada and is now able to sail the ocean freely. They begin colonizing all around from India to North America. With these new trading routes entreprenuership flourishes. Although there is now a clear division in classes.
  • Settlement in North America

    For many hundreds of years groups from different European countries have traveled to North America. From Leif Erikkson and the vikings to Cartier and the French. Originally the trip to North America was to find a faster trade route to Asia. It was not until 1524 with Giovanni Verrazono that it was discoverd that North America was a Continent, not a collection of islands. In 1608 Champlain led an expidition to Quebec city to set up a post.
  • English Revolution 2

    Charles takes over a divided country that is in debt. His extravagent lifestyle and spending habits do not help the situation. To raise funds he made deals with parliament to raise taxes and brought back old taxes such as ship money. Another cost producing avenue was his selling of noble titles. Charles seriously angers the people.
  • English Revolution 3

    Charles angers just about everyone. He forces the Scots to worship in the style of the Church of England, added decorations which angers the Puritans, and raises taxes. The Scots rebel. This causes Charles to call parliament for money to quell the revolt. Parliament agree, but on the condition that the Kings advisors Laud and Strafford are executed.
  • English revolution 4

    Parliament passes the Grand Remonstrance to limit the kings power. Charles is angered by this, and schemes about how to regain full power. Charles then leads 500 men into Parliament to arrest the radical members that want him removed. The radical members were warned and escape. Parliament calls for an army. Civil war is looming.
  • English Revolution 5

    Charles calls war on Parliament. On his side he has Royalists and Cavaliers. Parliament creates a new model army with the Scots that is led by Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell wins the battles of Naseby and Mortson Moor. This causes Charles to flea into Scotland where he is captured and handed over to Parliament.
  • Charles is executed

    After many months od deliberration Charles is charged with Treason and is executed. This completes the cycle. England successfully rids themselves of a monarchy as the Rump Parliament extinguishes monarchy.
  • Fur Trade

    Europeans found it very profitable to trade furs with the Native people from North America. In North America the furs were abundant, and were traded at bargain prices by the natives. In return the Europeans offered tools and other simple devices that were not common in North America. The value difference in the items was overlooked by the natives because the tools they traded for were uncommon. As this business developed many different countries tried to get a piece of the lucrative business.
  • Versaille Completed

    The capital of France was moved to Versaille in 1682. Versaille was an extravagent palace where the King and his favouite nobles lived. The king's nobles and followers that lived in Versaille were required to take ballet to be graceful in the presence of the king.
  • Industrial Revolution

    After 1700 the processes of growing food, and manufaturing and transporting goods improved drastically. This change occurred in Britain. This revolution was possible due to Britains large labour supply; a stable, pro business government; capital; technology; raw material and transportation. One of the main factors allowing this revolution was the government. It ruled based on the policy: Laissez-faire, which basically states that the government will not hinder businesses in any way.
  • Colonialism

    Colonialism is the process of setting up colonies in foreign lands. The purpose of Colonialism is usually to exploit the resources found in the new location for profit. By Colonizing, nations diversify and strengthen their economy. This is exactly what Britain did to become wealthy. Overall Colonialism helped to develop trading routes, and new alliances throughout the world.
  • Relationships between the Aboriginals and the Europeans

    The Aboriginal and Europeans had a peacful relationship at first. Both sides originally benifitted from the others existence, but as the years went ont the Europeans became more intrusive. At one point the Iroquois chiefs sons were kidnapped by Europeans and taken back to France. Tensions became heated as the Europeans introduced new diseases into the Aboriginals villages.
  • Europeans-Aboriginal Relationships 2

    Despite the fact that the Europeans ran a successful business trading with the Aboriginals, they did not think highly of them. The Europeans reguarded the Aboriginals as inferior, sometimes going as far as calling them savages. The Europeans thought the Natives were not civlized. Even with these thoughts they never resulted in violence. It is interesting because it is not expressed what the Aboriginals thought of the Europeans.
  • Imperialism

    Imperialism is the extension of control of a region by a nation. An example of this is when France took over/ imperialised parts of Canada to create "New France". Imperialism is similar to colonialism, except for the fact that it is to take complete control. This process is usually completed by military dominance. Imperialism has influenced our society today by shaping North America.
  • Britain Invades New France

    Britain ceased control of New France. They had a peaceful takeover for the most part. The fortress and city of Quebec surrendered to the British. ALthough it was not until 1763 and the Treaty of Paris that completely ended the war between France and Britain. For quite some time New France was under military rule. That was until 1774 when the Quebec Act was passed that officially made New France a British Colony.
  • Invention of the Steam Engine

    In Britain Coal was a very important natural resource, but to obtain it one must mine it in tunnels that often were flooded with water seeping in. To solve this flooding problem Thomas Newcomen designed the steam engine to pump out the water. This design was revolutionary, but flawed. Later James Watt fixed the flawed design, and converted the engine to power machines. This was a huge revolution as it allowed factories to cut their dependancy on river power/water wheels.
  • American Revolution

    The American Revolution began with Britain mistreating and unjustly taxing the Americans. To protest the tax on tea some Americans dressed up as Mohawks and dumped large quantities of tea into the Boston Harbour. Another factor was the massacre in Boston. There was a protest/mob, and when a military officer misunderstood instructions fired upon the mob, thus killing many of them. All these lead to the War of 1812
  • French Revolution

    Louis XVI takes control of the thrown in 1774. He was married to Marie Antoinette in 1770. France had lots of debt due to previous wars, and taxes were extremely high. The French revoulution came about when new thinking from Philosophes emerged. The estates general met in 1789 and was soon followed by the Tennis court oath. This led to the new government of the National Assembly.
  • French Revolution 2

    Peasants feared the revolution would be crushed, so they stormed their seigneurs land and destroyed documents constraining them to work on the land. Two political clubs emerged, the Griondists and the Jacobins. On January 21st 1793 the king was guillotined. This was followed by the reign of terror, and in turn the Directory taking over.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon's climb to greatness started when he defended the Convention by attacking a mob with a "whiff of grapeshot". As a reward he was put in command of the French Army in Italy. He defeated the Austrians that occupied Italy. His next plan was to cut Britain off from its wealthy colony from India. To do this he invaded Egypt and easily crushed their army, but lost a decisive naval battle. He was defeated by Admiral Horatio Nelson in the battle of the Nile.
  • Napoleon 2

    Napoleon helped overthrow the old government, and then became the first consul. As first consul he created the a new civil code that most of Europe benifited from. Some highlights of this new code included: Freedom of Religion, Freedom to pursue work, and right to hold property. As First Consul he also initiated a program for public works. Another highlight of his career was when he established new universities and schools.
  • Napoleon 3

    Napoleon, who was first consul, craved more power so he crowned himself emperor of France. He knew that he needed to keep the people loyal to him, so he began to print propaganda. He censored the media to make sure that he was seen in the best life. Napoleon conquered most of Europe, but could not subdue Britain. He realized that his best move was to cut it off from all trading. His solution was the Continental system.
  • Rise of Nationalism

    Nationalism started gaining momentum after France conquered Austrian controlled territories. After being conquered by France many people were happy. They were free of their cruel Austrian rulers, and were now ruled by a government that supported creating nations. The idea of Nationalism was very appealing to the people. Creating their own nation was what they desperately desired. Although Nationalism is liberating, in large doses it can cause racism, and prejudice. It was a cause of WW1 and 2
  • Napoleon 4

    Napoleon had conquered most of Europe, and to keep his rule he out his family members as rulers of most of the countries. This worked effectively until 1808 when he replaced the spanish king with his brother Jerome. Spain rebelled, and Britain reinforced them. This caused great problems, and resulted in 5 years of war ending with defeat.
  • Napoleon Defeated

    Napoleons' continental system was not hugely effective, and it caused countries in Europe about as much suffering as it did to Britain. This lead the Russian leader to back out of this system. Napoleon goes about to make a fool of the Russians by invading Russia with a whopping 600,000 man army. Napoleon wins a few minor battles, but the Russians keep retreating. Cleverly the Russians burn everything they leave behind, thus leaving the British with nothing. It resulted in defeat for Napoleon.
  • War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was America's way of fighting back against unjust taxation. It was mostly the product of James Madison and his "War Hawks". In the end Britain won the war, although it was not as quick as Britain would have hoped. They burned Washington. After all of it no boundaries were changed.