speaking exam

  • I was born

    in vitoria gasteiz in txagorritsu hospital
  • Iker..

    my best friend of de kindergarden named iker died in acar accident
    but I was young so my parents don´t say me anything
  • I started kindergarden and I met a lot of friends

  • i started having class in ikasbidea ikastola

    and nowadays I am still here
  • My brother was born

    I felt nervous because I´m not going to have the same atention but suddenly I was happy a little bit
  • I started doing judo

    and there was a very important thing for my life
  • my cat

    we adobted and now he has 8 years old
  • Play football

    I started playing football at betoño team and I met a lot of friends and some of there are my friends now
  • the fall

    in 2017 I went to zuaza island with my judo team and at the night in a rainy dayI fell down and I hit my head with a rock.I had to put 8 stiches in my head
  • my best competition

    in 2019 I participed at the euskadi´s judo competition and I was in the third position