Spanish Interview In English

By jerny12
  • Reynosa, Tamilulipas. Mexico

    Reynosa, Tamilulipas. Mexico
    My mom was born that time......
  • Day of the dead

    Day of the dead
    Gifts, candy, masks, and food are taken to the graves of the dead to honor them
  • Christmas and New Year tradition

    Christmas and New Year tradition
    Tamales, buenolos, and grapes. Buenolos for good luck.
    Green, white, and red
  • Cinco de Mayo

    Cinco de Mayo
    Celebration of Mexican heritage and pride
  • My mom and her years w/ my dad

    My mom chose to live with my dad who is an abusive drunk and drug addict. And bout when i was 4 or 5, he got really drunk and pointed a gun at my mom........he got put in prison