South africa

  • 1497

    Vasco da gama

    Portuguese discoverer sailed past the cape of good hope on his way to India.
  • the first coloni was founded

    By the netherlands, The dutch settlers were known as boers or afrikaans.
  • Period: to

    The second boer war

    There was ongoing conflict between the Dutch and the British, because the british also wanted South africa as a colony. This war was brutal. The british won and later claimed the union of south africa as a part of the British Empire. They took control of land, the valuable natural resources and they supressed the black population.
  • Nelson Mandela was born

  • The commonwalth of nations (was formed)

    In the beginning of the twentieth century many countries gained their independence from Great britain. Thogether they formed the commonwealth, who was established to ease decolonisation from the british rule and create stong links between richer and poorer countries. 53 countries, some of them: Australia, new zealand, malta, jamaica, bangladesh, South africa, canada, UK,
  • South africa gained its independence from Great britain