Time line

Time period 5 and 6

  • Industrial Revolution in England-Economic

    Industrial Revolution in England-Economic
    The Industrial Revolution is where Britain was introduced to machinery, steam power, factories, and manufactured goods.
  • 7 Years’ War/French and Indian War-Political

    7 Years’ War/French and Indian War-Political
    A fight between Britain and France; France tried to expand into Britain colonies and Britain fought back.
  • American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth of Nations-Political

    American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth of Nations-Political
    The people of Britain’s 13 North American colonies wanted to be represented and wanted equality. France helped the colonists get what they wanted, Independence.
  • French Revolution-Political

    French Revolution-Political
    Napoleon Bonaparte was the leader where French citizens were fighting for things like popular sovereignty and inalienable rights.
  • Haitian Independence-political

     Haitian Independence-political
    A large and success slave rebellion the West, Slaves had started the rebellion and succeeded in taking control of the colony.
  • Congress of Vienna-political

    Congress of Vienna-political
    European Ambassadors gathered to negotiate a peace plan for the French revolutionaries.
  • Independence in Latin America-poltical

    Independence in Latin America-poltical
    The colonial rule had become overdue and the colonies were looking more toward indee. pendenc
  • 1st Opium War in China-political

    1st Opium War in China-political
    United Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty fought over their different viewpoints on diplomatic relations and trade.
  • European Revolutions/Marx & Engles write Communist Manifesto-social

    European Revolutions/Marx & Engles write Communist Manifesto-social
    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels a political pamphlet talking about the struggles of each social class.
  • Commodore Perry opens Japan-economic

    Commodore Perry opens Japan-economic
    Commodore Perry forced Japan to trade with the US, he also wanted Japan to open their ports to US Merchant Ships.
  • Sepoy Mutiny-political

    Sepoy Mutiny-political
    Indians were taken to become soldiers for the British, the Indians didn't like it so they revolted to take back what was theirs.
  • End of Russian serfdom/Italian Unification-political

    End of Russian serfdom/Italian Unification-political
    The Russian was defeated in the Crimean War which led to autocracy, Russia had fallen behind its neighbors in the west.
  • Emancipation Proclamation in US-political

    Emancipation Proclamation in US-political
    President Abraham Lincoln fought to abolish slavery.
  • German unification-political

    German unification-political
    Otto von Bismarck wanted German unification through war, machinery and skill of politics through practical realizations.
  • Berlin Conference - division of Africa-economic

    Berlin Conference - division of Africa-economic
    Where European colonization and Africa's Trade was controlled during New Imperialist reaction times.
  • Spanish-American War - US acquires Philippines, Cuba, Guam, & Puerto Rico-political

    Spanish-American War - US acquires Philippines, Cuba, Guam, & Puerto Rico-political
    The US wanted to control everywhere including Cuba but only got Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, then for a momentary time gained Cuba.
  • Boer War - British in control of South Africa-political

    Boer War - British in control of South Africa-political
    A war between Great Britain and the Transvaal, Britain and South Africa were having difference so they fought it out.
  • Russo-Japanese War-political

    Russo-Japanese War-political
    Russia and Japan wanted the same territory. Japan won and became a world power.
  • Mexican Revolution-political

    Mexican Revolution-political
    End of a dictatorship and led to the constitutional republic in Mexico.
  • Chinese Revolution-political

    Chinese Revolution-political
    Manchu dynasty was overthrown, led to a Republic, then overthrew that political stand point which led to the new Chinese Communist party.
  • WWI-political

    A war fought between Britain, France, Russia, and Italy against Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. The Allies (group one) won the war.
  • Russian Revolution-political

    Russian Revolution-political
    The civil war between the Bolsheviks who were the Reds and the anti-Bolsheviks who were the Whites, destroyed Russia. The Whites represented an anti-Communist group.
  • Treaty of Versailles - end of WWI-political

    Treaty of Versailles - end of WWI-political
    A peace treaty which put World War I to an end.
  • Stock Market Crash-economic

    Stock Market Crash-economic
    "Black Tuesday", a damaging crash into an economical depression.
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria-political

    Japanese invasion of Manchuria-political
    The Kwantung Army from Japan invaded Manchuria, the Japanese established a puppet state called Manchukuo, which lasted to the end of World War II.
  • Italian invasion of Ethiopia-political

    Italian invasion of Ethiopia-political
    The war was fought between the Kingdom of Italy and the Ethiopian Empire, this was due to the weakness of the League of Nations.
  • German Blitzkrieg in Poland-political

    German Blitzkrieg in Poland-political
    Germany wanted to attack Poland without the fear of Soviet coming to attack them, after a few weeks Germany invaded Poland and Germany won.
  • Pearl Harbor, entry of US into WWII-political

    Pearl Harbor, entry of US into WWII-political
    The US attacked Japan at Pearl Harbor by throwing bombs and missiles. Japan was in pieces.
  • End of WWII-political

    End of WWII-political
    The United States declared war on Germany, and joined forces with France and Britain. They defeated the Germans. Weapons and Machines became advanced.
  • Independence & partition of India-near geography

    Independence & partition of India-near geography
    The Partition of India split the former British province of Punjab between the two lands of India and Pakistan.
  • Birth of Israel-economic

    Birth of Israel-economic
    The Arab Palestinian economy collapsed, the Palestinian Arabs ran for a better life. The establishment of a Jewish state became Israel.
  • Chinese Communist Revolution-political

    Chinese Communist Revolution-political
    Mao Zedong established the creation of the People's Republic of China, nationalist turned into The Communist.
  • Korean War-political

    Korean War-political
    North Korean Communist army attacked the non-Communist South Korea. North Korea had help with the Soviet and defeated South Korea.
  • Vietnamese defeat French at Dien Bien Phu-political

    Vietnamese defeat French at Dien Bien Phu-political
    The French were defeated by the Viet Minh, this was one of the first Indochina Wars.
  • De-Stalinization/nationalization of Suez Canal-political

    De-Stalinization/nationalization of Suez Canal-political
    Israelites wanted a better trade passage through the Indian Ocean while Britain and France sent ultimatums to Egypt, Egypt ended up in a joint control.
  • Cuban Revolution-political

    Cuban Revolution-political
    Fidel Castro led a revolt using armed forces against the Cuban authoritarian government.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis-political

    Cuban Missile Crisis-political
    The U.S. and the Soviet Union had separated for 13 days over the wanting of missiles. Which ultimately led to the blockading of Cuba
  • Chinese Cultural Revolution-art

    Chinese Cultural Revolution-art
  • Yom Kippur War-political

    Yom Kippur War-political
    Wanting to win back territory lost to Israel, Egyptian and Syrian forces attacked Israel on Yom Kippur, holy day on Jewish calendar.
  • Iranian Revolution-politicial

    Iranian Revolution-politicial
    The overthrowing of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's Dynasty (United States supported), led to the Islamic Republic
  • 1st Palestinian Intifada-political

    1st Palestinian Intifada-political
    A Palestinian uprising against the Israel, happened once 4 Palestinians were killed.
  • Tiananmen Square/fall of Berlin Wall-political

    Tiananmen Square/fall of Berlin Wall-political
    Germans attacked the wall which led to the wall of Berlin to collapse.
  • Fall of USSR/1st Gulf war-political

    Fall of USSR/1st Gulf war-political
    The invasion of Kuwait led to a United Nations to embargo Iraq which led to air/ground war and Iraq was defeated.
  • Genocide in Rwanda/1st all-race elections in S. Africa-poltical

    Genocide in Rwanda/1st all-race elections in S. Africa-poltical
    A plane with the president of Rwanda and others were shot down in Kigali, which was the Genocide that devastated the land. Nelson Mandela elected the first democratic president of South Africa.
  • 9/11 Attacks-political

     9/11 Attacks-political
    A collaboration of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group "al-Qaeda" on the United States Twin Towers.