
AP World History RAFT Project of the Early Modern Era

  • Period: to

    Manchu Dynasty

    Also known as the Qing Dynasty. Began after ousting the Ming emperor. Manchus were an ethnic elite; forbade Chinese to learn Manchu language or to marry Manchus. They made 3% of the population, so they needed help running the empire, so they still allowed Chinese to run the country. They allowed trade with the Europeans until they felt threatened,
  • Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman empire still holding out after hundreds of years of empirical decay. WWI finally ended Ottoman Empire, splitting the empire between Russia and America.
  • Period: to

    Industrialization and Western Global Hegomony

  • Period: to

    British in Bengal

    Robert Clive, leader of the British East India Company, conquered the Bengal region(present day Bangladesh), an amazing feat given that the East India Company was a corporation
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution in Europe

    Began in Britain, then spread throughout Europe making them the world powers. It eventually spread to Japan and then the United States of America who surpassed Britain as being the most industrialized.
  • James Watt's Steam Engine

    James Watt's Steam Engine
    Earlier created by Thoma Newcommer, James Watt greatly improved upod the efficiency of the design.
  • Start of American Revolution

    Start of American Revolution
    The thirteen colonies revolt agains great britain. The main reasons were taxation witout representation and havin to quarter troops.
  • End of the American Revolution

    The thirteen colonies won. New constitution
  • King Louis XVI

    King Louis XVI
    He decided that he wanted to raise the taxes on the public because of war debts from the Seven Years' War. however, to do this, he needed to call together the Estates General which was essentially a Parliament of the People but refused to allow them to act as a unified body.
  • The French Third Estate declared themselves the National Assembly

    The French Third Estate declared themselves the National Assembly
    Felt threatened that they would get shut out of the vote by the other two estates.
  • French Peasentry stormed the Bastile

    French Peasentry stormed the Bastile
    The french peasentry was restless because they felt like they weren't going to recieve the reforms they wanted. Began the sweep of anarchy.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Adopted by the National Assembly, it was a document that recognized the natural rights based on the ideas of the Enlightenment.
  • Abolition of slave trade

    As Enlightenment set root in Europe, people became more and more opposed to slave trade.Between 1807 and 1820, most european nations abolished the slave trade though slavery itself wasnt abolished until later.
  • Beggining of Latin-American Wars for Independance

    Beggining of Latin-American Wars for Independance
    Many of these fight were against Western European countries like portugal and spain.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Congress decided that a balance of powers should be instantiated to prevent another Napoleon from rising in Europe.
  • End of Latin-America wars of Independance

    Brazil and Mexico along with other south american countries gained their independence.
  • Period: to

    Opium Wars

    Started when the Chinese seized British opium in Canton in 1839. Britain and China fought until British won. Treaty of Nanjing gave Britain considerable rights to expand trade with Chinese.
  • Beggining of Mexican-American War

    Beggining of Mexican-American War
    America was having little conflicts that ended up leading to a war.
  • Communist Manefesto

    Karl Marx's Manifesto, he and Friedrich Engels stated that the working class would revolt against the rich and royal. This idea spawned Socialism and Communism.
  • End of Mexican-American War

    America expanded its land boundaries.
  • Beginning of Italian Unification

    King Victor Emmanuel II and his PM began a strong nationalism policy which took off and continued up through the 1960's.
  • Crimean War

    The British and French Governments were afraid of the consequences of Russian Expansion. As a result, they prevented Russia from winning this territory
  • Perry in Japan

    Perry in Japan
    US Commodor Matthew Perry arrived in Japan and forced them to open trade with the US.
  • Sepoy Revolt

    Sepoy Revolt
    The East India Company relied on Sepoys, Indians who worked for the British, mostly as soldiers. Sepoys were angered by the British not respecting their culture. When they learned their bullet cartridges were lined with pork and cow fat(which they had to bite off), which was against their Hindu and Muslim dietary laws, they rebelled. The rebellion failed, and British parliament made India a crown colony.
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    Boxer Rebellion

    Society of R ighteous and Harmonious Fists, or Boxers, organized in response to the Manchu governement's defeats and concessions to the Western powers and Japan. Infuriated, the Boxers' goal was to drive the Europeans and Japanese out of China. Adopting guerilla warfare tactics, the Boxers killed Christian missionaries. Instead, foreign reinforcements put them down.
  • Period: to

    Unification of germany under Otto von Bismarck

    Appointed PM, he began conquering the northern states of Germany then formed an alliance with Southern Germany. he then provoked a war between France and Prussia. He later crowned the king of the second reich.
  • Beggining of American Civil War

    Beggining of American Civil War
    War between norther part of country and the southern part. Led to famaly member against family member.
  • Emancipation of the slaves in the U.S.

    Passed by president Lincoln to free the slaves.
  • Emancipation of Serfs

    Alexander II issued the Emancipation Edict which freed all of the Serfs. As a result, they were given small plots of land to farm with rediculous taxation.
  • End of American Civil War

    Union victory.
  • Meiji Restoration

    Meiji Restoration
    Ushered in an era of Japanese westernization, after which Japan emerged as a world power. By the 1870s Japan was building railways and steamships. By 1876, the samurai warrior class as an institution had been abolished, and universal military service among all males was established.
  • Beggining of expansion of commercial export economy in Latin America

    Latin america had an export boom leading to much wealth.
  • Indian National Congress

    Indian National Congress
    A group of well-educated Indians formed the Indian National Congress to begin the path towards independence.
  • French Indochina

    French Indochina
    French Indochina was part of the French colonial empire in southeast Asia. During World War II, the Viet Minh revolted against French rule.
  • Sino-Japanese War Starts

    Sino-Japanese War Starts
    Fought between Qing Dynasty China and Meiji Japan, primarily over control of Korea
  • Sino-Japanese War Ends

    Sino-Japanese War Ends
    Japanese won.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    Japanese kicked Russia out of Manchuria and established their own sphere of influence there. Helped make Japan a world power.
  • Muslim League

    Muslim League
    Created to advance the causes of Islamic Indians.
  • End of expansion of commercial export economy in Latin America

    A major decline in th Latin american countrie exports.
  • Beggining of WWI

    Beggining of WWI
    Global war that led to the deacrease in germany's size.