Socials 9 Revolutions Timeline

By zuziasm
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Magna Carta was the first document forced onto a King of England by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges.
  • KIng James I is crowned king of England

    After ruling Scotland as King James IV he ascencts to the English throne after his cousin Queen Elizabeth.
  • Gun Powder Plot

    Gun Powder Plot
    King James I was a protestant which angered all the Roman Catholics. So they planned was to blow up the House of Lords during the State Opening of England's Parliament. The plan failed.
  • New Bible by King James I

    New Bible by King James I
    King James creates a new version of the bible. It is authorized and ends up being used for 250 years.
  • Death of King James I

  • Charles I becomes King

    relied on other a lot such as the Duke of Buckingham for advice and enjoyed partying. Parliament didn’t like this
  • Duke of Buckingham Killed

    by the parliament
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    King asks to for money. Parliament refuses unless he signs the Petition of Rights. The petition provided specific rights for citizens. It supported the Magna Carta and took away power from the king.
  • Personal Rule Ends

    Desperate King Charles summons the Short Parliament bringing his eleven-year personal rule to an end
  • Battle of Newburn

    The scots defeat the English army at the battle of Newburn
  • Treaty of Ripon

    The end of the Bishops' War
  • Long Parliament summoned

    Desperately short of money King Charles summons the Long Parliament
  • Execution of Lord Strafford

  • The Grand Remonstrance presented to King Charles

    King Charles was forced to sign the Grand Remonstrance. This bill forced him to call parliament reguraly and not impose and invent illegal taxes and pass control of the militia to parliament. It was passed by 11 votes.
  • The King fails to arrest the Five Member who were his leading opponents

    Since the bill passed by only 11 votes King Charles decides that he has enought supporters to try to arrest the 5 Mps who didn't. He fails so now Parliament gaisn even more supporters and pushes them over the edge.
  • Charles Declared War on Parliament

    This was the beginning of a Civil War
  • Execution of Archbishop Laud

  • Charles Handed Over to Parliament By Scots

    Charles fleeds to Scotland. The Scots handed him over to Parliament.
  • The King Signs the Engagement with the Scots

  • Trial of Charles I Commences

    The trail begins. It's completely absurd thought because he is on trail for treason and the definition of that was overthrowing. Which meant that he was on trial for overhtrowing himself.
  • Pride's Purge

    Pride's Purge
    Oliver Cromwell and Puritans drive out 143 Presbyterian members of parliament by Pride’s Purge. Only Rump Parliament of 60 members are left . They charge the King with treason and making war on his own people. They put Charles I on trial for life.
  • Charles I Guilty and Beheaded

  • Charles II crowned King of Scots

  • Charles II Flees England to France

    He hides in an oak tree
  • Cromwell Disbands Rump Parliament

  • Cromwell named as Lord Protector.

  • Death of Olver Cromwell

    His son Richard takes over
  • Richard Cromwell Resigns

  • Restoration of Monarchy

    Recalled Long Parliament decides to restore the monarchy and call King Charles II to rule as the King. They insist he rules as a constitutional monarchy but he secretly planned to regain all the power his father lost. He influenced those who were elected to have a majority of supporters in parliament.
  • Test Act Passed

    New Parliament passes the Test Act. It was an act forbidding anyone except members of the Church of England from holding political office or entering the professions.
  • Death of Charles II

  • William and Mary Formally Proclaimed King and Queen

    First time in English History, parliament chose the monarch, not hereditary right. James’s protestant daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange to become king and queen of England. Supporters of James flee England, and James abdicates the throne and leaves as well.
  • Steam engine invented

    Thomas Newcomen invents the steam engine. This was a major part of the revolution as people no longer had to use human power and work was more efficient.
  • Birth of Louis XVI

    He was the King of France during the French Revolution. He married Marie Antoinette of the Austrian Royal family to strengthen bonds between the two countries.
  • Birth of Marie Antoinette

    She was originally from Austria but was married off to King Louis XVI of France
  • Treaty of Paris

    ended wars between Britain and France for control over North America. France gave up all colonies in NA except for Louisiana/ New Orleans for Spain and France kept the island of St. Pierre and Miquelon. In exchange France received Martinique, Guadeloupe and sugar islands in Caribbean.
  • Royal Proclamation

    (*indirect cause of American Revolution) cut off the land speculation to west of Appalachian Mountains. Colonists could not move to Ohio Valley which made the natives happy and the colonists not so much. Made the colonists realize that Britain only cared for themselves.
  • Spinning Jenny is invented

    It was invented by James Hargreaves. It allowed textille to be produced faster and more efficiently.
  • The Stamp Act

    It was an act that was a result from 7 years war and the debt that England was in so they placed a small tax on many goods and most government services in the 13 colonies. People had to buy and stick on stamps.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    400 Americans gathered against 8 British soldiers. Insulted them and threw things at them. Around 3 people died.
  • Tea Act

    An act designed to help the East India Trading Company. It put a tax on tea and made British tea cheaper in order to make more profit and force the Americans to buy British Tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    It was to boycott the Tea Act. The sons of liberty dressed as Mohawks attacked a ship full of tea (East India Trading Company tea) and dumped it into the harbor.
  • The Intolerable/Coercive Acts

  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act: Closed the Boston harbor until the East India Trading Company is repaid for all the destroyed tea
  • Massachusetts Government Act

    the British Government or the King now appointed almost all colonial government positions.
  • Quartering Act

    allowed a governor to house soldiers in other buildings if suitable quarters were not provided
  • Quebec Act

    made Quebec a British colony. Expanded it’s boundaries and endorsed Catholicism
  • Administration of Justice Act

    allowed governor to move trail of accused royal officials to another colony or even Britain if they felt that they couldn’t get a fair trial. Stipulated that the witnesses would be paid for travel expenses but most of them could not afford to leave their work.
  • First Continental Congress

    delegates from 12 colonies met in Philadelphia. Urged the residents of Boston to ignore the Intolerable Acts and to boycott all British Goods
  • Lexington and Concord

    (Shot heard around the world) the Americans end up retreating but manage to save their weapons. This starts the war.
  • Second Continental Congress

    this started the war. The colonists decided it was necessary to fight and to declare independence from Britain. This happened at the start of Lexington and Concord.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    this made both sides realize that this was war. Made many colonists join and gave the Americans courage. British won but lost many men.
  • Declaration of Independence

  • Delaware and the Battle of Trenton

    Americans crossed the frozen Delaware River inn the middle of the night. First American victory because the British were very drunk. Many prisoners, Americans gained ammo/weapons.
  • Saratoga

    the American victory convinced the French to support them. Burgoyne planned to get three armies to surround the Americans from 3 different directions but he failed because Howe never got the message and went to Philadelphia instead. Burgoyne himself was stopped by American General Benedict Arnold at Saratoga. St. Leger made it to Albany and had it all to himself.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    ( Virginia) American victory ended the war. British had no reinforcements while the Americans attacked by land and French by sea. (Greene and Washington for Americans, Cornwallis for British)
  • Treaty Of Paris

    A peace treaty that recognized the independence of the United States. Some very important points included: ◦ - Great Britain recognized the U. S. A. as free and independent.◦ America and Great Britain would pay each other's respective pre-war debts◦ America's western boundary extended to the Mississippi River. American and British subjects could travel on it. The Great Lakes became the nation's northern boundary
  • American Constitution

    Inspired by Locke and Montesquieu. Stated the powers and limitations of government. Created a federal republic ran by an elected president.
  • Estates General Meet

    Frenace is in crisis and for the first time in a 170 years Louis calls the estates general.
  • National Assembly Forms

    Members of the third estate want to represented more fairly so they formes the national assembly
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Members of the third estate are kicked out of the estates general meeting. They gathered at the indoor tennis court at Versaille and they took a historic oath not to disband until a new French constitution had been adopted.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Third Estates stroms on Bastille to get ammunition/ gun powder. They then procees to tear it down brick by brick because it represented the power of the king.
  • Women's March on Versaille

    Women's March on Versaille
    Perisian women march on versaille upon hearing that Marie Aintoinette was hoarding grain. They take the monarchy back to Paris.
  • Decleration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Decleration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    A document similar to the Bill of Rights is declared by the National Assembly. It states things such as:
    Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. and
    The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression
    It did not mention women
  • Louis and Marie attempt to flee Paris

    he is caught at Varennes and returned to Paris where he lost credibility as a constitutional monarch
  • National Convention

    Mde up of many great leaders of the French Revolution such as Robespierre. They later created the Comitte of Public Safety. Robespierre was later overthrown by the National Covention.
  • France Declares war On Austria

  • Louis XVI is guillotined

    On January 20 the National Convention condemned Louis XVI to death his execution was scheduled for the next day.
  • Reign of Terror Beggins

    France enters into the 10 month period known as the Reign of Terror.
    During this time thousands were killed under the orders of Robespierre. During this time Robespierre also created a new calendar and the Jacobins seized control of the National Convention
  • Marat Murdered

    Murdered in his bath by Charlotte Corday. He had strong opinions about the revolution and fought for the lower classes. He communicated his ideas through his newspaper L'ami de Peuple.
  • Invention of the cotton gin

  • Georges Danton Executed

    he was guillotined after being accused of supporting the "enemies" of the revolution
  • Robespierre is Guillotined

    He is guillotines wihout trail wchich brings the reign of terror and the Jacobins to and end. His death marked the thermidorian reaction.
  • The Directory is Formed

    Second to last stage of the French Revolution. During this period a body of five directors held executive power in France
  • Consulate replaces the Directory

    Napoleon Boneparte overthrows the Directory by Coup d'etat.
  • The Health and Morals of Apprentices Act

    First act regarding the cleanliness requirements in mills is passed. This act also mentions better treatment of children workers.
  • Napoleonic Code

    French Civil code that forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs should go to the most qualified.
  • Napoleon names himself Emperor of France

    Napoleon names himself Emperor of France
  • Cotton Mills Act

    New Act that states that children under the age of 9 aren't allowed to work and children 9-16 are only allowed to work 12 hours a day
  • Napoleon dies

  • Labour of Children in Factories Act

    This act had many new rules regarding children labour such as:
    -Children (ages 14–18) must not work more than 12 hours a day with an hour lunch break
    -Children (ages 9–13) must not work more than 8 hours with an hour lunch break.
    -Children (ages 9–13) must have two hours of education per day.
    -No children under 9 are allowed to work in the textille industry
    -Children under 18 must not work at night.
    -Provided for routine inspections of factories
  • The Sewing Machine is invented

    The Sewing Machine is invented
    Elias Howe invents the sewing machine. Now clothes can be made in large factories. it is much better then the spinning jenny
  • The telephone is patented

    The telephone is patented
    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone. He was the first to patent it and this invention changed communication all aorund the world.