Smart goal


  • Come up with a Goal

    Come up with a Goal
    I will save money.
  • Specify Goal

    Specify Goal
    I will save money in order to buy a laptop for college.
  • Set a Measurable Amount for your Goal

    Set a Measurable Amount for your Goal
    I will save $400 in order to buy a laptop for college.
  • Create Steps to Attain Goal

    Create Steps to Attain Goal
    I will save $400 to buy a laptop by putting aside $100 from my savings account and saving $30 a month.
  • Determine Whether Your Goal is Realistic

    Determine Whether Your Goal is Realistic
    I will be able to put aside $30 a month.
    I believe that putting it aside for a laptop will outweigh any other way I might use the money.
  • Determine a Time Limit For Your Goal

    Determine a Time Limit For Your Goal
    I will save $400 to spend on a laptop by putting aside $100 from my savings and saving $30 a month for ten months.
  • Adjust For Bumps

    Adjust For Bumps
    My parents get me a car, and now I have to adjust my savings accordingly. They are willing to pay $100 a month towards expenses relating to the car; I have to pay the remaining $75. I make $114 a month, meaning that if I cut down on other expenses, I can now put aside $20 a month for my goal. I now have $190 already set aside, which means that I'll have to extend the time limit to eleven more months.
  • Complete Your Goal

    Complete Your Goal
    I now have $400; enough to buy a laptop.