
  • The birth of a sibling

    The birth of a sibling
    When I was eight years old my brother was born, this was during the stage of Industry vs. Inferiority. This is the stage when children mature and are more self-aware. My brother being born affected me by making me more independent and also allowed me to take on the role of caregiver in a way, especially when he got a little older and my mother trusted me to watch over him, so at this time I was aware that I was a big sister and that I could take care of my little brother.
  • First Job

    I was fourteen when I got my first job, this was during my stage of Identity vs. Role Confusion. This stage deals with us establishing our place in the world and who we are so getting a job helped me establish my identity as someone who works hard and is ambitious.
  • Moving out

    I just moved out in august to come to college, i am now in my Identity vs. Role Confusion stage. This is the stage where you kind of figure out who you are and what your identity in the world is. When I first moved out I didnt really know what to do with myself and I didnt really know who i was by myslef but now ive become comfortable as an adult and have found a better sense of my identity.