
Scientology Timeline

  • L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology, claims to have a near death experience and writes a manuscript called "Excalibur".

    This manuscript would delve into topics such as past lives and methods of achieving higher states of consciousness. However, it would never be published and only some parts of it survive today.
  • The emergence behind the ideas and practices of the church of Scientology

    L. Ron Hubbard wrote a book with a set of ideas and practices called Dianetics. The organization that he had created to remove it went bankrupt and L. Ron Hubbard would lose his rights to the book. He would later recharacterize it as a cult/religion now known as Scientology and gain back the rights to Dianetics.
  • Incorporation of the Church of Scientology

    In December 1953, the first Church of Scientology organization was incorporated in Camden, New Jersey by L. Ron Hubbard, his wife, and John Galusha.
  • The first Chruch of Scientology opens

    The church of Scientology opens its first church in Los Angeles.
  • Period: to

    Core beliefs of Scientology

    In Scientology , it's believed that people are immortal and that their lifes extends beyond a single lifetime. In addition, they believe that people were once "god-like" but over time, people deteriorated. Scientology promises people that through , they can regain these "god-like" abilities.
  • L. Ron Hubbard, founder and leader of the church of scientology, would move to England

    L. Ron Hubbard would move to England establishing a base of operations there.
  • The Church of Scientology is granted tax exemption status.

  • Official control of the Church of Scientology shifts from L. Ron Hubbard to a board of excectives.

    Official control of the Church of Scientology shifts from L. Ron Hubbard to a board of executives. However, L. Ron Hubbard would remain firmly in control of the Church of Scientology and its affiliated organizations.
  • Period: to

    The Chruch of Scientology infiltrates various U.S government agencies, embassies, consulates and private organizations.

    The Chruch of Scientology initiated "Operation Snow White", which would infiltrate and steal from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies, consulates, and private organizations. The operation would officially come to an end in 1979 with dozens of its members trailed and charged. The operation would employ up to 5,000 covert agents and would be one of the largest infiltrations of the United States government in history.
  • The death of L. Ron Hubbard , founder of the Church of Scientology.

    L. Ron Hubbard would die of a stroke, leaving his position to David Miscavige.
  • Modern status of the Church of Scientology

    The Church of Scientology claims that it has over 11,000 churches, missions, and affiliated groups spanning over 167 countries. In addition, the church claims that it has 10 million members worldwide.