Sammy's Timeline

By Vatcha
  • Me when I was born

    I was born on February 18,2000. When I was born I almost died but the doctor saved my life.
  • My brother Giovanni is born

    My brother Giovanni was born on July 5,2001. I was really jealous after my brother was born.
  • Cinco de Mayo

    Cinco de Mayo
    We celebrate Cinco de Mayo because it's a time where we go crazy and let ourselves go.
  • Me standing with my favorite toy

    Me standing with my favorite toy
    This is me when standing in the back of my toy box and holding my favorite toy.
  • My baby brother Jayden was born

    My baby brother Jayden was born on Augest 20,2008. He is currently 31/2 years old. He is a cheerful baby brother.
  • My great grandma dies

    My great grandma dies
    My grandma died on May 9,2009.
  • My 12th birthday

    I got birthday money for my birthday and my mom took me out for dinner. I was really happy!!!!
  • Might getting a dog

    My mom told me and my 2 brothers that we might get a dog but we don't know what kind of dog we should get.
  • My 1st birthday

    My 1st birthday
    My grandma gave me a dress for Cinco de Mayo to put it on.