Samantha's life!!

By SH3104
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born in Middleburg, FL. I was born to Rick and Ruth Hidalgo. I was born at 1 AM. I was about 7 and a half pounds.
  • The accident

    The accident
    I was two and I stepped in a pot of boiling water. My oldest brother Anthony helped me by getting our parents(the one time he has ever done anything interesting).
  • David's Birthday

    David's Birthday
    My Brother David is born .. not nessiceraly a good baby. He was really loud and abnoxcius all the time and still is!
  • My Trip

    My Trip
    I went to Miami with my family. I was going to see my Tia Rosy.
  • My First Play

    My First Play
    I was in an animal play. I wanted to be a duck but joshua got that part. I was told I was a pig and I was mad! The teacher thought that I would love to be a pig since they are pink.. but I hated pigs because that is an insult! Calling me the pig NO you don't do that!
  • Chenaniah's Birthday

    Chenaniah's Birthday
    My ony sister is born in Jacksonville FL! She was really small about 5 lbs!
  • I moved

    I moved
    I moved here from FL. Right before my sister's second birthday.
  • I got a dog

    I got a dog
    We had a dog for about two years. Then we had to get rid of her because she was digging to many holes.
  • Luis's Birthday

    Luis's Birthday
    My youngest brother luis is born. He was born in Mitchel.
  • A sad day

    A sad day
    My great grandma died in the nursing home. She died of diebeties atacking a sore she got from stubbing her toe.
  • I got a cat

    I got a cat
    .She is calico . She is only a kitten.
  • Todays class

    Todays class
    I am just startin eigth grade computers and doing this project!