S.Jagiah FrenchRev

  • Civil War (Radicals take over)

    The French Revolution (French: Révolution française) was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France from 1789 to 1799 that profoundly affected French and modern history, marking the decline of powerful monarchies and churches and the rise of democracy and nationalism. Popular resentment of the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and aristocracy grew amidst an economic crisis following two expensive wars and years of bad harvests, motivating demands for change.
  • Period: to

    France divided into 3 social classes and financial problems

    it was divided into 3 social classses. Clergy, nobility,vast majority of the poulation. 1st estate provided some social services. 2nd estste titled nobility of French Society. Richelieu & Louis XIV crushed the nobles military power but had given them other rights under strict royal control. 3rd estate: top sat sat the bourgeosie (middle class). Included lawyers, doctors, journalists and professors. Poorest were urban workers. (apprentices, journey men, others who worked in industries such as pri
  • Spread of Nationalism

    The third estate represented everyone except for the aristocracy and the clergy, namely the middle class and the peasants. On June 17th, 1789, the third estate declared itself "National Assembly" where it was insisted that deputies of all three orders should sit as a single house and vote as individuals instead of one vote per house. The unicameral self-entitled National Assembly was meant to remove the division and marginalization of the govenment caused by the separation of constituency and to
  • Period: to

    Parisians storm the Bastille

    who: royal troops (800 parisians)
    what: seize spotlight from the National Assembly meeting in Versaille
    where: Paris
    why: demand weapons and gun powder believed to be stored there.
    how: broke through the defenses of the gaurds
  • Natinal Assembly Acts

    Natinal Assembly Acts
    it was with the nobles. nobles in the National Assembly voted to end their own privileges.(declaration of independence). combative all-night meeting in Paris on August 4 1789. the meeting was held because peasant uprising and storming the Bastille stampeed. National Assembly turned reforms of August 4 in a law.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    it was for every french man. every man were equal. "all men were born and remain free and equal in rights." the declaration further proclaimed that all male citizens were equal before law. the chruch was contolled and also the 2 estates were under control. it was in France. it was in late August in 1789. it was held because everyman was born equal and had the same rights as the other classes. the first step to writing the constitution, the Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
  • Period: to

    Women march on Versaille

    who: 6000 women
    what: marched 13 miles from Paris to Versaille in pouring rain to to see the king to demand "bread"
    where: from Paris to Versaille
    Why: Marie Antoinette lived a life in great pleasure and extravagance, this led to public unrest.
    her small acts went largely unocticed becasue her lifestyle over shawdowed them.
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
    In June 1791 King Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette attempted to flee from France in order to seek refuge with powers opposed to the revolution - they were however recognised and detained at Varennes. Robespierre had hitherto been content with the sort of constitutional monarchy that had been in operation in France. The King's attempted defection altered the way he was perceived by Robespierre and others In late August 1792 France was threatened with invasion by a mixed Austrian, Prussia
  • monarchy is abolished.

    monarchy is abolished.
    parisian stormed the royal palace of the Tuileries and slaughtered the kings gaurds. royal family fled to the lesgislative Assembly, escaping before the mob arrived on August 10, 1792. citizens attacked prisons that held nobles and preists accused of political offenses 1 month later. about 1200 were killed among them were many ordinary criminals. radicals took control of the Assembly. Radicals called for the election of a new lesgislative body called the National Convention.
  • Third Stage of the Revolution

    Third Stage of the Revolution
    The American Revolution (1775-1783) secured the independence of the thirteen British colonies in America from the British monarch George III. Meanwhile, France appeared to be ruled by a stable and powerful monarchy under Louis XVI, a country secure enough to lend help to those colonists opposing British rule. The textbook presents an engraving by an unknown artist with the translated title “Independence of the United States” celebrating both the American Revolution and Louis XVI.