Ryleigh's Literacy TimeLine

  • $1 a Song

    $1 a Song
    Whenever I was younger, I always enjoyed singing in church. My mom always encouraged me to sing. She would say, “If you sing, I will give you a dollar.” This was always a big deal for me so I would sing in front of the church crowd. One day an older lady told me that if sung, she had a surprise for me. I was curious on what the surprise was so I sung. When I made my way back to her seat, she gave a me a bag. Inside the bag was a white tiger. I fell in with it and I still have it to this day.
  • Family camping

    Family camping
    In the summer of 2008, my family and I went on several camping trips. We had a camper. I remember we went fishing and would cook the fish we caught. We also made pizza over the fire. It was delicious. We went to the beach as well and swam. It was great family experience for my family.
  • The Blue Blanket

    The Blue Blanket
    My dad used volunteer as a firefighter. Every year during Christmas time, the fire department had a big Christmas dinner. They would pick names from a hat and if your name got picked, you got to pick from the grand prize table. Whenever my name was called, I went and observed all the prizes. One that stuck out to me was a blue blanket. I fell in love with it. I would take it everywhere with me. It was a big part of my life. Finally, a few years later I gave it up.
  • Annual Egg Hunt

    Annual Egg Hunt
    At my cousin’s house, we always have an Easter egg hunt. I began going whenever I was six. At the hunt, you got a prize if you had the most eggs or had the golden egg. The prizes included baskets full of iTunes cards, candy, games, and money. Everyone would always race to the top of the hill because it was known to have the golden egg. My cousins and I would argue over the eggs and take them from each other. It has always been a great family tradition that I go to each year during Easter.
  • Good Old Girl Scouts

    Good Old Girl Scouts
    I started doing Girl Scouts when I was seven. It is where I met a lot of my best friends. At the first meeting, we made cupcakes. A big thing my group did was go camping. We all made s’mores and learned the basic Girl Scouts songs. Girl Scouts was always a big part of my youth.
  • Toe tapping

    Toe tapping
    I started to clog when I was eight. I only did it because my older sister used to. Little did I know it would become a huge part of my life. It’s where I met a lot of my forever friends. I remember at my very first practice I learned how to cotton eye joe. Now, clogging is my whole life.
  • Fireworks with My Family

    Fireworks with My Family
    During summer of 2013, my family started to host a big firework show. We would first have a cookout and then later that night we would watch the fireworks. Once the show was over, my cousins and I would have a sleepover and my cousin Emily’s mom would cook a big breakfast. It is still a big family tradition.
  • Clogging in Nashville

    Clogging in Nashville
    On Labor Day weekend, my clogging family started going to the Opryland hotel in Nashville for a clogging competition. Every year, starting in 2015 we would go to Starbucks in the hotel and we would admire and observe the beauty of the hotel. It has beautiful string lights and plants everywhere. This has always been my favorite competition to go to. I have made amazing memories there.
  • Dancing with My Girls

    Dancing with My Girls
    In seventh grade, I used to always have sleepovers with my best friends. We would always be doing something creative. One time we separated into groups and made dances. At the end, we showed our dances to each other. Then, we tried to judge who had the best dance. We all had different opinions on whose was the best. This would always turn into an argument and we would be mad the rest of the night.
  • Washington DC Trip

    Washington DC Trip
    For our eighth grade trip, the middle school went to Washington DC. We walked, a lot. My friends and I all roomed together. We had awesome girl talks. I believe this trip made us all closer. We all goofed around while walking past the Washington monument, and got in trouble. But overall, this trip meant a lot to me and is a big memory I will always remember.