roman timeline coner cranshaw

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    The Rule Of The Five Good Emperors Begins

    The Rule Of The Five Good Emperors Begins
    power of the emperors started expanding at the expense of the senete.created a program to assist poor used state funds
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    height of the roman empire

    height of the roman empire
    there was a high amount of trade a large amount of grain was inported from egypt farming was the main occupations
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    heigth of the roman empire part 2

    heigth of the roman empire part 2
    at this time in roman history rome was the largest city.rome was a large overcowded city rome started to have public buildings wich on the inside included bathing areas markets and a ampitheater
  • romulus augustulus was deposed by germanic head of the army

    romulus augustulus was deposed by germanic head of the army
    was a western empoeror deposed by germanic head of the army
    as a ruslt many roman empires were turned into german empires many armys started setteling in rome over 300 years