Roman theater of amman 01


By ablake
  • 366 BCE

    Ludi Romani

    These events included; public games, religious festivals, and conjunctions were held. This began in or around the second century B.C.
  • 240 BCE

    Roman Theatre

    This included events like festivals, acrobatics, and street theatre. It was experienced in the fourth century.
  • 105 BCE

    Paratheatrical entertainment

    Funeral games or gladiatorial combat happened during this time but did not become part of state religious festivals until 105 B.C.
  • 80 BCE


    This architecture wrote a book called "How to Construct a Roman Play ".
  • 30 BCE

    Ostia (Roman Theaters)

    One of the oldest Roman Theatres was built in Ostia. This is located near Rome.
  • 4 BCE


    This is the Latins version of Medea, Phaedra, Agamemnon, and the famous Oedipus.
  • 52


    Sea battles that could also happen on a lake. The location was on a lake on the east of Rome.
  • 80

    Colosseum Opened

    They lost a lot of loins and animals during the hundred-day inaugural program. It was gruesome to think of everything that died during this period.
  • 180

    Julius (Pollux)

    The first description of the different masks by the actors of the Greek Comedy.
  • 529


    Justinian the first caused Infamia that was a loss to legal or social standing. Roman citizens enjoyed this.