Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

By 68668
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    Jesus of Nazerath

    Jesus of Nazerath
    Jewish preacher who was believed to be the son of god by most Christians
    -Jesus was a Jew from Nazareth
    -Jesus was born into extremely humble conditions so the Rome people looked up to him
    -Jesus in the Christan faith died for the sin of the people and is a symbol of hope and faith which appealed to the Roman public
    -Jesus died at around 33BC so he came before Christianity in Rome
    -The people of Rome were willing to die for his message.
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    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    He was one of the first leaders of Christianity in Rome
    - He is considered one of the most important people to the Christain faith aside from Jesus
    -He wrote 13 of the 27 books in the new testament of the bible
    -He was alive during the time of Cleopatra
    -It was very likely that he was executed by Nero
    -He spread the word of Christianity and is attributed as one of the reasons it is so widespread today
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    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)

    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)
    Pompey during the time of Julius Caesar invaded Israel for Rome
    - Caser made Judaism the official religion of Israel
    - Around the time Caesar took over, Christianity began to spread in Isreal
    -Isreal was invaded for military reasons due to its prime location
    - Roman law was adjusted to fit the needs of the people in Israel practicing Judaism
    -Christians were considered a divinations of Jewish so they were too protected by the law in Israel long before the Edict of Milan
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    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    A fire broke out in the circus Maximus was it burnt for 6 days.
    -Nero blamed the Christan people, he thought they were crazy and radical

    -The fire burned about 10 of the 14 districts of Rome down
    - Many Christians believe that there was a prophecy that Rome would burn down
    -The fire burned for so long because the majority of Rome at the time was built of wood
    -What actually started the fire is still unknown to this day.
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    She was a Roman woman living in Carthage
    -She was learning to be a Christan when caught
    -She was sentenced to death by a lion for her beliefs
    -She kept a diary of her arrest and her story after being caught
    -She refused to participate in a public sacrifice in Rome which lead to her arrest
    -She died for her beliefs and stuck by them even when she was offered a chance to go free which was an inspiration to many Christians at the time
  • Period: 272 to 337

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great was the emperor of Rome that made any religion legal in ancient Rome
    -In the Edict of Millian, Constantine legalized all religions in Rome
    -Constantine donated resources to Christians as reparations

    -He then established Constantinople which was a place for Christians to freely worship
    -Because he allowed people to practice religion freely he earned the title of the first Christian emperor
    -He allowed Christianity to be legal because of a dream he had
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    Great Persecution of 303

    Great Persecution of 303
    This was the last and possibly the worse persecution of people practicing Christianity in Rome
    -an estimated 5,000 people were killed
    -It was the tenth legal persecution against Christians
    - The great persecution happened under Diocletian
    -All Christan building and houses were destroyed
    -Men women and children were killed.
    -They lasted around 2 years
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    Battle of Milvain Bridge

    Battle of Milvain Bridge
    It was a five year battle between Constantine and Maxentius because both wanted to control Western Europe
    -This battle that ended the Roman civil war and allowed Constantine to take office
    -The night before this battle Constantine had the dream that made him support Christianity
    -Constantine was extremely modest and said without his men he wouldn't have won
    -Maxentius men got forced into the water and drowned
    -Maxentius himself wasn't super against Christianity just didn't support it fully
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Edict of Milan was the law put in place by Constantine allowing all religions to be practiced in Rome
    -This finally put an end to the persecutions of Christain in Rome
    -Constantine supported Christians due to a dream he had
    -This provided Christians back their property taken from persecutions
    -This was the longest-lasting edict of the time allowing Christianity
    - This was the first time that Christians were allowed to have churches in public
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    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Theodosius was the emperor that made all religions other than Christianity illegal in Rome
    -He was the last emperor to rule both eastern and western Rome
    -He converted to Christianity during his reign
    -He didn't like Pagans and made Christianity the official religion of Rome so they couldn't worship
    - He was made emperor because of his strong military abilities
    -He did not support all Christians only a certain type establishing a sort of standard Christianity