Rise and Fall of The Ottoman Empire

  • Jan 1, 1299

    The Ottoman Empire Was Founded

    The Ottoman Empire Was Founded
    The Ottoman Empire was an imperial state that was founded in 1299 after growing out of the break-down of several Turkish tribes.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1299 to

    Time of the Ottomans

  • Jan 1, 1361

    New Capitol

    New Capitol
    The Ottoman Capital is Moved to Edrine
  • May 29, 1453

    Ottomans Capture Contantinople

    Ottomans Capture Contantinople
    Mehmed II (the Conqueror) captures Constantinople, The Byzantine emperor Constantine XI dies in the fighting, and the Byzantine Empire of the Romans surrenders once and for all to the Ottoman Empire.
  • May 3, 1481

    Mehmed 2 Dies

    Mehmed 2 Dies
    Mehmed II dies and Bayezid II takes the throne.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Reign of Suleiman 1 Begins

    Reign of Suleiman 1 Begins
    Named "Suleiman The Magnificent" his reign had begun and changed the way of the empire forever.
  • Taking Iraq

    Taking Iraq
    Murad IV Retakes Iraq.
  • Treaty of Belgrade signed

    Treaty of Belgrade signed
    This treaty ended the hostilities of the two-year Austro-Turkish War.
  • Failure of Independence

    Failure of Independence
    Muhammed Ali tries to Form independent Kingdom in Egypt, Fails
  • A Time of War

    A Time of War
    Russo-Turkish War Begins.
  • End of The Sultans

    End of The Sultans
    Last Sultan Mohammed IV Flees in 1922.