
Rise and Fall of Roman empire

  • The religious cult of Julius Caesar is officially instituted

    A religious cult that worships Julius Caesar as a God is offically instituted, this marks that Julius Caesar is still admired by many even after he is murdered, and fuels the civil war even more.
  • Officaly a Dictator

    Caesar was named "dictator perpetuus" at the feast of Lupercalia, Caesar wore his purple garb for the first time in public. He was now officaly the dictator or ultimate ruler of Rome.
  • The Ides of March

    Caesar was attending a meeting with the Senate when they all cornered then and stabbed him to death with daggers concealed in their togas. Brutus was his best friend and he also stabbed him, this was basically the end of the Roman Republic,
  • Post-Caesarian civil war

    The civil war happens after Caesars death and is between the Senate army and the army of Antony, Lepidus and their colleagues. This is the beginning of major turmoil in Rome.
  • Revolt in Spain

    The two sons of Pompey, Gnaeus and Sextus, led a revolt in Spain. They were unable to lead the revolt, so Caesar had to go himself. He won a decisive but difficult victory at Munda. Both Gnaeus and Pompey were killed in the battle, but Sextus escaped. This was important because it was one of the first major battles that Caesar won.
  • Caesar becoming powerful

    Caesar is back in Rome. He celebrated a triumph over Gnaeus Pompey, which upset some because triumphs were reserved for foreign enemies. By this time Caesar was virtually appointing all major decisions. He could appoint consuls and other important positions, he was basically already the leader.