
By sgroy
  • 1500 BCE

    The church in the west during middle ages

    For centuries, the Catholic Church straddled the world of medieval Europe. Every king, queen, knight, serf, and soldier lived and died within the embrace of the Catholic faith. The church was not simply a religion and an institution; it was a category of thinking and a way of life. Definition. Religious practice in medieval Europe (c. 476-1500) was dominated and informed by the Catholic Church. The majority of the population was Christian, and "Christian"
  • 306 BCE

    The early church up until the conversion of Emperor Constantine

    • Christianity was founded in the first century in palestine, an area of land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean se
    • First century Palestine was apart of the roman empire
    • The emperor prior to Constantine, was emperor Nero
    • Following the Jewish wars with Rome
    • Most significant person include paul
  • 380

    Constantine's Conversion to Great Schism

    Constantine's Conversion to Great Schism
    Roman Emperor Constantine was the first Christian emperor, he made Christianity a legal religion in the Roman Empire. Many Romans converted to Christianity because of this, starting the fantastic and wonderful and magnificent and great and virtuous❤ and religious conversion of Rome. Christians became respected members of society, this was in 380AD. In 325AD, the first ecumenical council of Nicaea was held, resulting in the Nicaean Creed.
  • Reform 2

    The reformation through to Vatican 2
    Second Vatican Council, also known as Vatican II, , was the 21st ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church and was announced by Pope John XXIII on January 25, 1959, as a way for the church to experience spiritual renewal and as a chance for Christians who had become estranged from Rome to unite in a quest for Christian unity. The pope ordered preparatory commissions to produce a schedule and drafts (schemata) of decrees on numerous subjects.
  • Vatican II to the current era

    • 11th October 1962, Pope John XXIII (John the 23rd) opened the 2nd Vatican Council.
    • 2500 Bishops from all over the world attended with a purpose to renew the church so it could play the role that Christ intended for his Church in modern society.
    • Pope John XXIII died 8 months after opening the council, he left a new way of thinking about how the Catholic Church operated in the modern world.
    • This Council Removed hostility from the Church, E.g. The Communist Italian Party.