Religion Project

  • Period: Jan 1, 1565 to

    Relgion Project

  • Nov 13, 1565


    Spaniards founded the first Catholic church in North America in Saint Augustine, Florida
  • Religion

    Francis Xavier baptized people in Goa and brought Catholic faith to India and Japan.
    French Catholic missonaries came to New World where they worked called " New France" streched from Quebec in present-day Canada, through the American Midwest and down to New Orleans Louisiana.
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    English came to Virginia.
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    Thirty Years of War between the Catholics and the Protestents.
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    Pilgrams who came from England seeking religious freedom, settled in Massachusetts.
    George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore, asked King Charles to establish a colony where English Catholic could worship freely.
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    Pope Gregory XV found the Congregation for the Propagation of the faith.
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    King granted permission and a group of settlers set sail on the Ark and Dove, settled in Mary's land in honor of the Kings wife, Queen Henrietta Maria.
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    Protestants gained power in the colonies.
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    Thirty years of War ends.
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    Peace of Westphalia, series of treaties declared that the religion of the ruler of each area would become the religion of the people in that area.
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    Peace of Westphilia age begun, gained complete or absolute power over all aspects of the lives of their people even deciding which religion to practice. Lasted 30 years.
  • Relgion

    Catholics were denied the right to vote.
  • Religion

    Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn and became a place of religious refuge.
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    Louis XIV had the French bishops sign a document which enabled him to rule the church in France.
    Emperor Joseph II, rule in Austria, abolished monasteries and put the state in charge of seminaries.
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  • Religion

    Pope Pius VI began to organize the Catholic in America.
  • Religion

    John Carroll was ordained the first bishop of Baltimore. Maryland- the first diocese of the Catholic Church in the United States.