Regan Lynn Davis' Life!

  • Parents life changed.

    Parents life changed.
    My mom and dad before they even were married got into a really big car accident and my mom now has scares all over her face because she flew through the windshield and my dad now has a ardifical hip.
  • My Parents Excanged Thier Vows

    My Parents Excanged Thier Vows
    My parents got married at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Tracy. It was a very great day for our family even though i wasnt even a twinkle in thier eye yet!
  • My 1st Birthday

    My 1st Birthday
    This is the day i popped out of my momma whomb and they figured out that their first child was a little baby GIRL!!
  • My Baptism Day

    My Baptism Day
    I was baptised on this day. I was baptised at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Tracy, MN.
  • The day i learned how to sit on my own.

    The day i learned how to sit on my own.
    My parents were very suprised because i was a Cuncky Monkey.
  • Jett was born

    Jett was born
    Jett was the 2nd child to be born.
  • My First Day of Kindergarden

    I was realyl nervous and wouldnt let my mom go.I thought that my teacher was really scary.
  • Jaysa was born

    Jaysa was born
    Jaysa was the 3rd sibling to be born and my only little sister.
  • Ryker was born

    Ryker was born
    Ryker was the 4th and last kid to be born to the Davis family.
  • 6th Grade Graduation

    6th Grade Graduation
    The day where we got to get out of Elementary school and start our new career in...the High School.
  • Our 1st Family Vacation

    Our 1st Family Vacation
    We had our first family vacation to Florida. We stayed there for a week and it was a BLAST!!
  • My First Hospital Visit

    This is the day i got rushed into the ER and they found out that i had Viralmenagitice(?) I stayed in the hospital for about 3-5 days.
  • The Day i Finished this project.

    today is the day that is my last project of 2012-2013 school year. And also my 2nd to last day of Middle School.

    Finally the day has come for the last day of school for the 2012-2013 school year. and last day of Middle School.